Lets talk about goats!

I have been trying to do that, but I'm not very good with dog training. He came to us partially trained (thank god) and will listen to me when there is no stress or distractions. But when there is he can't seem to focus... I do notice that when he chases the chickens (one routinely hops the fence) that he doesn't seem to chase them at full speed and has never bit them. When we enter the chicken yard he doesn't try to push his way in, he stands by and waits obediently. He knows he isn't supposed to go in. Thanks for everyone's advice. I talked to my husband and he really does not want to get rid of him. He really has been the best dog we've had and is so sweet.
I have a jack russel and he chased my goats at first but I trained him to "leave it" and they are fine now. I can leave him with the goats and have no worries. I even trust him around my baby chicks. He learned the animals are mine and off limits to him. Maybe you could try teaching the dog to "leave it" or that the goats are off limits

Thanks chicken girl!
Getting the dog to leave the goats alone is one thing. Getting the goats to leave the dog alone is another. You will just have to see how it goes. Your goats may not be interested in the dog. Mine would mop the floor with them if they had a chance. But then I raised Alpines and they can be a little more aggressive than many other breeds.
I've been looking at nigerian dwarfs, and possibly mini LaManchas. With young kids we are specifically looking for smaller and gentler goats...
Our Nigerians, 2 females and 1 male were all bottle babies.... and they're still big babies. The 14 month old male still suckles your fingers while you're petting him. But again, this is because they were bottle babies. They are a generally friendly breed but just how friendly depends on how much they're handled from birth.
ALL of my Nigerian Dwarves will stand up to my dogs. One even gave one of my dogs a hard smack through the fence. Dogs are predators and unless the dog is a trained livestock guardian dog, they need to be kept separate.
HA! I have a dog the goats completely ignore because they don't see him as a threat at all. And he has no interest in them one way or another. As far as he's concerned, they don't exist.

Now I have 2 German Shepherds that if left alone with them, they would have goat for a mid afternoon snack. They won't do anything as long as I am there, but there is no way in hell I would leave them alone with the goats. But the goats? They know no fear. They have no idea they should be scared of dogs.
My new lamancha doe is relentless with my LGD and head butting him. Thank goodness he is an LGD because he just moves away from her and never shows her any aggression. It has been 4 weeks now and she still hates him, hopefully she will warm up to him. Her twins love him probably because he loves the kids, he is very gentle and patient.
We increased the size of the area they play and live. Oh so funny seeing them actually frolick and lightly buck eachother. Oh boy, Annie was acting like she was dominating Dave. we were laughing so hard at those two. She comes up to food, he finally sniffed my hand. He stands up and his back hair stand up when our boxer sniffs them. To funny.

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