Lets talk about goats!

I have Nigerian Dwarfs. They have a very high butterfat content. Since she has been ill so much, she is quite thin. I wanted the higher fat content for her. From what I've read, the protein structure is different in goat milk then cow, and more closely resembles human milk. Which would make sense that humans can digest the proteins better if it resembles the milk of their own species. Whatever the exact science behind it, I'm not completely sure. I just know that its working wonders for her. Its unfortunate that in my state, its illegal to buy/sell raw milk. I've already been read the riot act by her therapists for giving my daughter such a dangerous food (raw milk). I know my hygiene, and my animal's health. I feel confident that the raw milk she consumes is safe...

Right side of garage

That's an interesting stall you have there! Very creative! And your goats are so cute!
My goats have plenty of room its just Joyce is like the mafia. All the other goats are scared of her. She doesn't want to be petted but she doesn't want me to pet any of the other goats either. The other goats will wait until she walks away before they will come up to me. I keep telling her I'm gonna butcher her if she doesn't stop picking on everyone. Here she is.

We have a little goat who looks just like her... funny thing is, she's our most passive.

Looking at those dangerous horns, I thought I'd pass along our solution to our bully goat. It doesn't stop her from being a bully, but it least it keeps her from being able to gut the others.
heavy cardboard and duct tape, or gorilla tape - The Safety Goat attachment:

When I say heavy cardboard, we had an appliance delivered that had this great heavy cardboard base and corner pieces we kept to use, but it could be anything, really, folded over the points and taped on best you can. :)
Hope it helps, if needed. :) We tried first, little rubber balls over the ends that made her look like a funny little alien, but we couldn't get them to stay on very long... she was much younger here, you can see how much her lethal horns have grown since. Too bad, because it really was cute.

Maybe the right glue is out there that would work and hold up to goat use ;)... we just don't know what it is.
I am pretty sure that 3 of my girls are pregnant. I put 4 in with buck. I have 2 buck, and I put 2 girls in with each boy. They were with the boys from September 3rd to September 22nd. I'm not sure of their heat cycles, so that's why I let them run together. Shortly after Sep 22nd, one doe went into heat, so obviously she didnt settle. But I have been watching the other 3, and haven't found them go into heat again. Is there a way to find out if they are pregnant without a blood test?
Funny story, I HAVE to share! My 8 year old daughter has watched my goats mating. Trying not to give too much details at such a young age, I simply said that mating is what gives us baby goats.
Well, my dog is not fixed, and mounted the 8 year old's leg. She knows that he isnt supposed to try to "mate" her! She began screaming and asked in horror, "MOM, AM I GOING TO HAVE PUPPIES NOW?!?"

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