Lets talk about goats!

I just drew my goat's blood today for a pregnancy test. She is the only one out of all 5 that I'm not sure about. I'm pretty sure my other 4 are preggers.
I'm still feeling like king of the world! I've never drawn blood on a goat before today, and I got it on my first try! I didn't even need to redirect the needle once it was in the vein. I did use a butterfly though, so I guess I'm not THAT good :) I just expected a disaster...
Now to wait for the results on Wednesday afternoon.
I don't know, I leave my buck with the does full-time!!!

Why? Do you not have a separate pen for the buck? What about when they kid? He will immediately rebreed them as soon as they have their first heat, which can occur soon after birth. A cycle of constant breeding with no break in between will rapidly wear down a doe's health.
Blood test results = pregnant!!!
Its the strangest thing though. She went into heat, I took her two hours away to my buck, they bred, I brought her back, and she went into heat AGAIN 6 days after she was bred. On the second heat, I didn't feel like driving 2 hours again, so I waited for her to go into heat again this month. She never did go back into heat. So I was very unsure if she was pregnant or not. Now blood test confirms it! I'm excited for babies :)
I need an opinion.
Is this one fat, or pregnant with multiples? She is due beginning of February. She is much larger then my other pregnant doe, and no farther along...

She is about 100 pounds right now.

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