Lets talk about goats!

She does get a good amount of hay everyday, it's cold up where I live and I like to make sure those rumens are keeping the goaties warm! But, that was taken right before I threw in their morning hay and her stomach is harder than it would be if it were just her rumen and a lot more solid on the right side. I haven't found any aborted babies, and at around 4 months that would probably be somewhat hard to miss? I stayed out there with her that night and she never started pushing like she was having contractions, and was out most the next day with her and she just went on like normal eating and drinking, but my other doe was acting a little funky that night to, her tail was all wet along with a white cloudy discharge and completely separated herself from the other animals! The darn girls had me backtracking my months and doubting my counting abilities that night! I'm definitely thinking you may be right H Diamond and this is probably going to become a wait and see. Thanks for the reply!
Here are some pics of Dolly's progression from a few days before her first run in with the buck to yesterday:) I think it looks like she's steadily been getting bigger, but hard to tell in the last 2 picks




The first pic is on 9/7/14, the next on 11/27/14, then 12/26/14, 1/15/15, and the last was yesterday 2/1/15. The 3rd one was the night she had the string of goo
So if Ducky is pregnant she should kid around March 11th. I took some pictures of her today. Do y'all think she looks like shes pregnant?


Also bonus picture of Diablo because he can't stand when I'm not paying attention to him too lol
So if Ducky is pregnant she should kid around March 11th. I took some pictures of her today. Do y'all think she looks like shes pregnant?

Also bonus picture of Diablo because he can't stand when I'm not paying attention to him too lol

Are you going to separate Diablo and Ducky once she gives birth? As a mini Nubian, she should likely be going into heat year round. Does start having heats shortly after giving birth, meaning they can get pregnant again. If he's allowed to harass and rebreed her back to back, her health will suffer. Pregnancy and lactation is hard, it takes a lot of energy to make and raise kids.
Are you going to separate Diablo and Ducky once she gives birth? As a mini Nubian, she should likely be going into heat year round. Does start having heats shortly after giving birth, meaning they can get pregnant again. If he's allowed to harass and rebreed her back to back, her health will suffer. Pregnancy and lactation is hard, it takes a lot of energy to make and raise kids.

Diablo is going into his own pen probably this weekend or the next, and he'll stay in there until the baby is old enough to go to a new home. His pen is attached to the one they're in now so I'm hoping that they won't get lonely because they can see eachother through the fence
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Diablo is going into his own pen probably this weekend or the next, and he'll stay in there until the baby is old enough to go to a new home. His pen is attached to the one they're in now so I'm hoping that they won't get lonely because they can see eachother through the fence

I'd suggest giving her longer than a few months separated, about how long it will take the kid/s to be grown and wean. He will jump her bones at the first opportunity. If you can already keep him separate, why not get him a wether companion? And then a companion for herself? Keeping does and bucks together, especially when the are a breed that can come into heat year round, is not a wise choice. The buck is fine in that arrangement, but the doe is not.
I'd suggest giving her longer than a few months separated, about how long it will take the kid/s to be grown and wean. He will jump her bones at the first opportunity. If you can already keep him separate, why not get him a wether companion? And then a companion for herself? Keeping does and bucks together, especially when the are a breed that can come into heat year round, is not a wise choice. The buck is fine in that arrangement, but the doe is not.

I was actually planing on that! The pen I have up for D is only built to be temporary, but in the next month or so I'll be getting another 10X15 pen and I was gonna make that one for him and buy a doeling and a wether at the Pima County fair so everyone has a buddy. This is my first time owning goats. The girl I got them from had a big herd and just let a couple bucks live with all the does and said that my two would be fine living in the same place. Ive come to realise that that is not the case :/
We moved Diablo into his new pen yesterday, he wasnt to happy about it at first but he's settled in well. Hopefully next weekend I'll start on a bigger more permanent pen for him (and a friend) My buddies does should be dropping in a week or two so I'm hoping to get a wether from him and once Ducky's baby finds a home I'll get her a Nigerian Dwarf doe to keep her company
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