Lets talk about goats!

Ok, so I guess we have a new baby goat. Our neighbor called us and told us that she was away and her goat had, had a baby. Her husband couldn't get it to drink the milk so she ask if we could go milk the mom and try to feed the baby. So we went over and fed the baby and milked the mom. long story short we ended up bringing him home. Her husband is bringing the mom and milking stand by tomorrow morning. Two more goats. Lol the baby was born really small and weak. Any tips?
Ok, so I guess we have a new baby goat. Our neighbor called us and told us that she was away and her goat had, had a baby. Her husband couldn't get it to drink the milk so she ask if we could go milk the mom and try to feed the baby. So we went over and fed the baby and milked the mom. long story short we ended up bringing him home. Her husband is bringing the mom and milking stand by tomorrow morning. Two more goats. Lol the baby was born really small and weak. Any tips?
All I can suggest is putting a few egg yolks into her milk, as well as coconut milk, if you have some. We always do that for our bottle babies, and it has seemed to help.

Does anyone know what might have caused the balding areas between her nose and eye?
Hard telling... may just be rubbing on a feeder or something. Check her skin over good for lice and other yuckies.
As we all know, goats have ZERO interest in our schedules or in our convenience. Ruth has waited all day so she could go into labor after dark and in the rain right before bed time for our youngest while I am not home. First one is getting pushed out as I type this....getting updates from GAM. AND....her phone battery is almost dead so she has to find an alternate photographing instrument.

:rolleyes: :lol: of course she planned it just when you were least expecting it & least prepared!
We've got another one now ... no ligaments, puffy and swollen, opening up some. I have zero doubt that she will deliver overnight tonight. It's been a beautiful sunny warm day today Overnight is supposed to be increasing clouds and chance of light rain/drizzle. Argh!

Sure am glad that goats, generally speaking, has the least trouble of farm animals when it comes to giving birth. Just hope the coyotes don't get too interested in the smells in the middle of the night.

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