Lets talk about goats!

Yeah, they really need a friend of their own species. Even if you spend tons of time with them, they should have someone to sleep with at night, play with, eat with, etc. That said, with all the time you'd spend with it and all the other animals to play with, it'd probably be happier than most lone goats but they still should have a friend. Plus they also should have their own pen or at least their own shelter instead of living in the chicken coop imo.

But i also heard of one goat who was best friends with a donkey and they were separated, maybe adopted/bought separate? And one of them was so miserable, wouldn't eat, they both were, so they brought them back together and they were sooo happy and are inseperable. So there can be some weird friendships lol
For grazing, sheep are better, or geese. Goats are more brush.
We have lots of brush...
Would 2x4 wire mesh work for fencing? What kind of shelter do goats need?
If we have bobcats, coyote, fox, etc would we need a dog out there as well? On that note, if we had a dog could we let the chickens free range instead of keeping them in the run?
We have lots of brush...
Would 2x4 wire mesh work for fencing? What kind of shelter do goats need?
If we have bobcats, coyote, fox, etc would we need a dog out there as well? On that note, if we had a dog could we let the chickens free range instead of keeping them in the run?

Like hardware cloth? I use welded wire 4' fencing for my goats and it works great. We don't have bobcats but we have coyotes and foxes, haven't messed with our goats BUT we have a LGD that looks out for our goats and poultry :) our birds and goats free range 2-3 acres during the day and our dogs keep them safe. Birds and goats go up at night so nothing can mess with them and we've had no problems!
We have lots of brush...
Would 2x4 wire mesh work for fencing? What kind of shelter do goats need?
If we have bobcats, coyote, fox, etc would we need a dog out there as well? On that note, if we had a dog could we let the chickens free range instead of keeping them in the run?
The 2x4 mesh will work, if the wire is a thick guage (some of that stuff is so thin, you lean against it and the welds pop. Woven wire is better). Also, the fence needs to be good and tight, lots of fence posts...or put a hot wire or two up to keep them from rubbing on it.

You want the fence strong and good enough to keep out dogs.

If you pen the goats at night, that would be safest. Of course I live where it is cold, so they need a barn. Someplace hot they would just need shade protection, except for the predator issue.
Like hardware cloth? I use welded wire 4' fencing for my goats and it works great. We don't have bobcats but we have coyotes and foxes, haven't messed with our goats BUT we have a LGD that looks out for our goats and poultry :) our birds and goats free range 2-3 acres during the day and our dogs keep them safe. Birds and goats go up at night so nothing can mess with them and we've had no problems!

The 2x4 mesh will work, if the wire is a thick guage (some of that stuff is so thin, you lean against it and the welds pop. Woven wire is better). Also, the fence needs to be good and tight, lots of fence posts...or put a hot wire or two up to keep them from rubbing on it.

You want the fence strong and good enough to keep out dogs.

If you pen the goats at night, that would be safest. Of course I live where it is cold, so they need a barn. Someplace hot they would just need shade protection, except for the predator issue.
Only thing I'd like to add....If you get a guard dog for them, a puppy works best, they grow up learning to respect the goats and chickens and bond with them. In your situation, unless you put everything in a small barn at night, you may need an old pro so to speak. If you go with an older dog, be sure you get one that is with goats and chickens or has been with them. Don't want one that is accustomed to something else or they may see your critters as a threat... Defeats the purpose!
The chickens are in coop/run all the time now. Didn't think we could let them out with all the predators around. The goat will have a small shed or something for night, too. Haven't figured out what to build for that yet. Just finishing chicken coop/run this week. Thinking to add goat next year. So don't get a dog until we have the goat so he can grow up with them. But when we do have the dog then maybe the chickens can go out as well....
Is your yard fenced? It's small enough you could probably let them out during the day when you can watch them if you're worried or on weekends or a few hours before they go to bed. My girls love going out and we're in a somewhat wooded area
Hey guys! Have to catch up on thread and have a bunch of pics but I thought you'd like this one. Our morning walks now have a cow added to them lol

Hope everyone is doing well!

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