Lets talk about goats!

for disbudding...sooner is best. Under a week of age is ideal.

As to castration, after banding a couple and cutting a couple I GREATLY prefer cutting. It heals much faster..etc.

I like to cut at about 8 weeks...but I also have never had an old wether... they all ended up in the freezer.
Most of

My buck kids went for meat by the time they were three or four months old, so stones were not an issue. I got so I refused to sell buck kids as pets because so many pet goats have terrible lives. That said, I only had one buck that ever got stones and the automatic waterer in his pen malfunctioned. It was some time before the problem was noticed and I think his stones were due to the fact he was without water for an extended period of time. I am no expert on stones in wethers because I never had any wethers that were more than just a few months of age.
That makes total sense, thanks.
So she likes me but shes definitely still freaked out being here. And Yoda and bud definitely still have hormones running threw them. Need someone to help me but I think shes at least 5 and her teeth aren't ground down and you can see them poking out when she looks at you.
Here is where the goat shed is going to be. We have been working hard clearing up brush and dead wood to make enough room for the build. 20170929_191156.jpg
So she likes me but shes definitely still freaked out being here. And Yoda and bud definitely still have hormones running threw them. Need someone to help me but I think shes at least 5 and her teeth aren't ground down and you can see them poking out when she looks at you.

Poor girl. Sounds like she was just kind of neglected :( you'll have her all fixed up in no time I'm sure!! I wonder what they had her eating that her teeth grew out like that
Here is where the goat shed is going to be. We have been working hard clearing up brush and dead wood to make enough room for the build.View attachment 1148574

Beautiful spot for a goat shed!!! Ours is still a work in progress- there was a run down horse stable on our property when we moved here and we fixed it up for the goats- still has plenty of work that could be done on it though!!


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We do! We have 6 Nigerian dwarves- two nannys, two 6 month doelings and two 6 month weathers. I also have a little 6 month old Nigerian/boer cross weather, but he's more like a dog than a goat :lau

I want some larger breed goats as well- probably lamanchas, so I'm consider enlarging the pen again...:rolleyes:

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