Lets talk about goats!

Hey Yooper! :frow

Glad the boys are taking it well! They've probably still got some wild hormones in their system- male goats even after castration will have sperm in their "tubes" and can get the females pregnant for up to 30 days after. Not sure how common that is but I wouldn't want to risk it if you don't want kids! So she should be fine with Stetson, but keep her separate from the other two for a full 30 days from their procedure. I'm sure they'd each like a week or two or down time to heal anyways, and it's probably good for her to not meet all three at once!

Does your new little doe have a name yet? :D
Hi! I think my daughter wants Shelby. When I asked the lady what her name was she said she didnt know that she just called her baby girl. I have no idea how old she is. I asked a couple times while texting back and forth but she either missed it or doesnt know... I can't remember if she is a Nubian or Boer either. She sent me pictures a few months ago and I think Boer. What are goats life spans? And how old till they shouldn't have babies just out of curiosity? I think I'll put her with cows for now. The pens are right next to each other and the outside pens are too. Then move Stetson over by her. I hope I'm not making a mistake but thinking about her all alone makes me sick and I'm afraid to ask how the other one died. If it was something I could have helped with I'll feel bad. I honestly forgot about her even asking till today.
Oh by the way thanks again to everyone that helped with my calf. Happy and healthy now and we now have 4. All are doing great!

I hardly check my clothes or hair before leaving the house but I wanted a cow of every color lol
I think "normal" life span is 10-11 but I've heard people say they've had them live to 15+ my two oldest are 6 and they're still romping around doing their thing hahaha. I would definitely try to find out why the nanny died :( sad as it may be...just to make sure the new baby isn't going to spread anything to your boys. Lord knows you've had enough goat heart ache this year!!! I would be doing the same thing...I bet she's terrified and lonely. Post pics whenever you get a chance :wee
@moomoodiddy how are the babies today? Any names picked out? :love
I've been calling the one I had to pull trouble and the other lux because of a show I'm watching but I would like better names nothing else has come to me yet suggestions would be appreciated
I'm a,so trying to figure out other decisions like further breeding a involving one of them or when to wean and possibly making soap with milk
A thousand different things lol
Congrats on the babies!

So I got bud and Yoda castrated last week and this week. They had become quite a handful. Yoda was first and is doing great. He was the alpha and the min we separated him because he was being really rough bud started acting like jerk lol. All good now. Hoping this will calm bud enough to stop jumping the fence thats 4 feet high. Hes so short! I cant understand how he can do it. This morning I put him in the duck pen before we left because it was closer to my van and he climbed up on house and jumped over the wall. Over a six foot drop to the other side. He is so feaking mad at me right now. I don't think he'll ever be a lover like Stetson and yoda but itd be nice if I was able to pet him. Anyway.....

At the beginning of the summer I had a regular customer ask if I'd like her two female goats. They had been her daughter's but she moved and my customer felt bad that they weren't getting enough attention. I told her maybe but not untill I got my boys castrated. Well today I found out the mom goat had died and the daughter is having a hard time being alone. So I'm taking her. Will it be a problem with the boys? Should I wait to put them all together till the boys have healed up more?
could take a couple of months for all the testosterone to get out his system but you also need to quarantine anyways
Congratulations on the calves Yooper! They look great!
As far as they new girl, only thing I can think to add at the moment is be sure you deworm and putting her in a separate pen is fine, if she can see the boys she'll be OK. Expect hollering from her, she may even make herself hoarse but she'll be fine! ;)

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