Lets talk about goats!

If he doesn't want milk, it means he doesn't need it. As long as he is eating hay and grain, that is fine. Although six weeks may be a little young for him to be weaned, it won't hurt him. I know a long time dairyman and breeder who weaned two particularly big, aggressive, and obnoxious Alpine buck kids (long story) when they were a lot younger than that and they thrived. Since this kid has been on his mother all this time you are not going to get him to take a bottle so don't waste your time.

If you can set up some sort of a hidey hole in the barn for him to crawl in and keep warm it will help. You an use a cardboard box, a plastic barrel, a dog crate, or a couple bales of hay or straw with a piece of plywood on top. He does need a friend.

If you haven't already done so give him a shot of CD/T as soon as you can.
I have the CD/T shot and just waiting for the dewormer to come in. I have 2 other goats - a male that’s just about a year and a half old and a 6 month old female. The female we bought the week before we picked up the new little boy. She was never handled by people and was very skittish. Our male is as friendly as can be and is showing the newbies that I’m not as scary as they think. But it’s a dominance game in the pen right now. The male bullies the female. And the female bullies the baby. In just a week, though, I have gotten little man to come to me and eat from my hand. So I know he’s getting used to me. My worry was that he always seems so sad. He will literally just stand still in front of me sometimes and stare off into space, like he’s afraid to look at me. And I never see him jump or play. But he’s not afraid of me. I can pick him up and pet/love on him, feed him, and sleep with him. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing else I needed to be doing. We’re already discussing getting another baby for him. :)
My worry was that he always seems so sad. He will literally just stand still in front of me sometimes and stare off into space, like he’s afraid to look at me. And I never see him jump or play. But he’s not afraid of me. I can pick him up and pet/love on him, feed him, and sleep with him. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing else I needed to be doing. We’re already discussing getting another baby for him. :)
One thing that occurred to me is that he might need a shot of BoSe. Selenium deficiencies are common in much of the country and a lack of selenium affects the muscles including the heart. The fact that he seems to mope around and is not jumping and playing makes me suspicious. You have to get the BoSe from the vet. If that is the problem you will see a rapid improvement. In any event, the shot can't hurt him but it may save his life.
So, I gave my baby his CD/T shot this morning and gave him his dewormer this afternoon. I found a lamb/kid supplement/minerals that is supposed to provide nourishment and energy. This evening he was completely different! I let all 3 out of the pen while I was outside working (the older male follows me everywhere and the younger two follow him). The baby jumped and ran and even cried when I ran inside, my husband said. Lol! Thank you guys for all your help and advice. I already feel much more confident that I will be able to care for my Toby, Curly Q, and Mr. Goat!
Well duh...I missed that...my sincere apologies to you Peep..not something I usually do. Thanks Al!
Yep needs more fluids... I have added cherry or strawberry koolaid pakets to their water to encourage drinking. Not my favorite mind you but tend to work for me. Just enough so you can smell the fruit scent.
And you can sprinkle goat milk replacer on his grain for added nutrition. Just a few tablespoons.
I added the cherry koolaid to the water bucket today. They were quite interested but I didn’t see anyone drink. It has been rather chilly the last few days, so maybe they’re just not drinking as much? And I added it during the afternoon. I’ll keep an eye on the water level tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion:)
I added the cherry koolaid to the water bucket today. They were quite interested but I didn’t see anyone drink. It has been rather chilly the last few days, so maybe they’re just not drinking as much? And I added it during the afternoon. I’ll keep an eye on the water level tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion:)
You can try another flavor too. Mine liked cherry the best but I had 2 that preferred pink lemonade..:lau
You might also try warm water. Since it's cold, sometimes they won't drink because the water is too cold. Hope it helps, if not will try something else.:hugs

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