Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9 Years
Apr 25, 2010
Northern WI
I though it would be fun to have a broody thread come and talk about them.

I have a broody
shes on day 4! Her name is Sargent Mayham

Im hoping for the best

shes got 15 eggs

how about you guy?
My Broody is sitting on her first set ever. She will hopefully have 2 peeps in the next 2 days. She is an Austrolorp sitting on Cochin eggs. Very good Mama so far. Wouldnt come out during this last week,so Ive been her room service. She yells at me if I even Peek around the corner at her, but she hasnt tried to bite me when I take the babes out candle. This is her, before I built her a Broody Hide away this week.
I lost head go broody nut hen yesterday...called her grandma...have several of her daughters that go broody if you leave one egg overnight...of course it was 14 this morning so they were frozen but ever tried convincing a hen that wants to be broody that it was a bad idea?
yeah... I left a batch of eggs also and the weater got warm that day so I think thats what triggered her to go broody, this is mines first time.

This is Sarget mayham. I hope it goes good
she yells at me when I look at her but doesnt bite. She was moving her eggs around and talking to them and I peeked to see what sees doing an she hid the eggs and started to yell... tee hee.
Got a broody Blue Ameraucana who just barely quit, and a broody Black Copper Marans who's laying on some infertile duds. Had a broody Araucana who just quit out on her eggs right at lockdown a few days ago. . Rather upset about that, but eh, it happened and is over.

I'm honestly ALWAYS having a broody or two or three around here, but usually don't have them hatch anything until I have stuff available to hatch, and right now most of my available eggs to set are waiting to hit the incubator. (don't want my "normal" girls to hatch out and raise Shamos, haha!)
yeah Im sorry for your lock down.

Im hoping to get for broodies this spring. I was really suprised to get a broody right now. But im really counting on another one but if it happens it happens.

anyway keep posted guys I wanna here how the broodys are doing

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