Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though my broodies quit for a bit, my bator is 3 Hrs 40 Mins until LOCKDOWN!!! I turn them for the last time at 4pm, then it's time to put fresh batteries into the flashlight for the final candling!!!
It seems that mostly people post that that works pretty well. Was going to try this time, but couldn't get the day-old chicks to add in with the ones mama just hatched today. oh well.
Here's one of my new cuties:
I've read a number of times of slipping day old chicks under a broody mama at night with success. Actually I did it myself once with great success. But I've never read of anyone even trying this with a hen who wasn't broody. She'd be on the roost, presumably. Maybe if you have one who has been a good broody and who likes to sleep in the nest, or at least would accept being placed there at night, it would work. Supposedly you can't make a hen go broody. I just don't know, and would be interested in whether you can make this work. Maybe if she's that good a mama, the broody hormones will kick in if she feels the chicks under her. Or maybe you will luck out and she will be broody when the chicks arrive. It's sure worth a try, IMO!

I did read one time on here about someone who claimed to be able to make a hen go broody by locking her in a darkened next box for two or three days.
Are broodies hav the same design except for th beak, mines long and different colors

She is a very dependable Bio-Bator. One of my best. I have no idea of her linage. She has feathered legs and five toes. She is currently setting on 14 eggs, all hers but one.
UPDATE 3out of 4 eggs under silkie pekin cross hatched and dry the last egg is zipping ,1 of the 3 eggs under the B.O hatched and was dry but when I checked she had either stood or sat on it and killed it,its head was flattened ,Now i have a problem do I take the eggs from her and give them to the silkie ,they are pekin crosses and very small and my B.O is very big and I am afraid she will squash the other two when they hatch, they have pipped already .Help I dont want to loose any more and am stressed enough to day my friends dog came over today and took one of my call ducks and killed her so I am sad already and do not want to lose anything else today ,

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