Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 8
I am so jealous, I have a few hens that I hope will go broody this spring, I have a game hen that came from broody stock, a BO, 2 BA's, several EE's that seem broody-ish. So I am hoping. For now I will enjoy looking at all your broodies and chicks, nothing sweeter.
Well, at least one chick has already hatched out in the coop!! I went outside a little while ago and an empty shell was laying next to my broody!! My daughter just came in and said she can hear peeping!! I can't wait to see the little ones when they are ready to peek out.
This is my first broody hatching experience!!! Exciting!
Ohhhh I hope a lot hatch
make sure to get pics, good luck

Me too! She has 5 eggs total. I will definitely take lots of pics when the little ones come out from under her!
Ohhhh I hope a lot hatch
make sure to get pics, good luck

Me too! She has 5 eggs total. I will definitely take lots of pics when the little ones come out from under her!

Ooooo Happy hatching!
I saw a chick!!! Oooohhhh, and what a cutie!!! The little baby only stuck his head out from mom for a few seconds and peeped at me, but it was enough to know that it looks to be a very heathly (and of course adorable) little chick!!! Of course, it is SO cold out and we got about 4 inches of snow last night. What a time of year for my first broody to hatch some eggs. She is out in the insulated coop, but sectioned off from the others with chicken wire so she will have her privacy with her babies for a while. I have to say that she is doing a wonderful job and I'm very proud of what a great mom she is! That little chick looked completely dried off and there isn't much peeping going on, so I think she is doing a great job keeping the baby warm.

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