Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello! Congrats on the soon coop and chickens!!!

If you have any questions, just ask. I might be able to answer some, or other poeple. I do agree on the broody mother thing, Im going to try incubator, and I have a broody too, I want to see which ill like better.

WOO-HOOO!!! congrats
I got told by plenty of people silkies are wonderful broodies, Sending you broody, Good mother, good hatching, vibes!!!

im sure she will do fine, My australorp Sargent Mayham is on day 12, and my picking up the eggs I can feel the chicks in there.
I really want to be part of this thread...................
I'm going to talk to my girls first thing in the morning lol
Last year we had Broodies galore.but think they are waiting for better weather.............We chicken sit my snowbird friends SS hens during winter.
Last year one of them disappeared.....I don't remember what month but the weather was awful.
Thought the coyotes got her.........found her on the eastside of the house all fluffed up sitting on 18 eggs.........It was down a hill, of course.
What a pain trying get down there and back to feed her.
What a trooper........... she would not let us move her.......we finally put a metal cage ( large) over her and covered it. She hatched out 12 beautiful chicks and brought them onto the front porch for us to admire..........
Oh, a broody would be a wonderful thing right now.........
Congrats on all the new babes! We want pics! I think it is so groovy to get up in the morning and see mama hen doing her thing.

Broody-mama Cochin#1 has the FAB Four BCM chicks that are 10 days old today!
Broody Cochin #2 has 6 Splash Marans eggs coming for her Thursday! More babies!

Day-old chicks coming in March...I need another broody!
My little mama to be is on day two!!

I had to move her to her own little room because my bigger girls get bullying her off of the nest. She is now happy to have her own little room and has only left those eggs once today to get a quick bite to eat. I am so proud of her!!
I have my first broody sitting on 6 eggs! She is a tiny banty and the eggs are full size

She has about 5-6 days left, I'm excited and nervous at the same time!!!

She was given to me and the previous owner said she is at least 6 years old and a good mama, I'm glad one of us knows what to do!

Is there anything I need to do towards the end for her or the eggs?
I'm almost there with my second attempt at letting my Brown Leg Horn hen hatch some eggs, she is sitting on an assortment of 12 eggs, and they should start hatching on sunday! I'm so excited, she has had to cope with her 'friend' destroying the first lot of eggs, then stupidly hot temperatures at the start of this sitting, and yesterday and the day before i had to raise her nest up as she was at risk of being flooded! She has lost so much weight so I'm really hoping we are successfull this time (listen to me saying 'we'!), she has been so patient and i think she will be a super mum if she treats her babies with the same love and care she's shown those eggs!
I will post pics if/when the new arrivals show their little faces
The only thing I had to do was move mama off the nest every couple of days to eat and drink! Took her a few times of my moving her, then she'd get off when I came out to the broody condo for 3-4 minutes to goggle up food, drink and poop. They get so focused!

Here is mama with the Fab Four this morning, on a foray.


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