Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dldolan - that is a cute momma photo. I am new to chickens, but that is a lovely bird. What kind is she?

I have my first broody and put 6 eggs from another user under her on Jan 8. I have to bring her food and water - she doesn't seem to get up. She drinks alot when I put the water under her nose. Also, she is a very sweet hen and won't peck me when I tried to candle the eggs last night. She's a buff wyandotte with a mixture of 6 under her (I forgot what we are hatching!!).

Bring on the babies!!
Hi! I also have a first-time broody (first for her and me!). She has been acting semi-broody for about a month and a half. She will set for 36+ hours, then she will act normal for about the same period of time. She has done this repeatedly for the last couple of months. Is this normal?

A few days ago she finally decided to go completely broody. I gave her 8 large eggs on Wednesday evening. The next morning I found another egg (a silkie one) in her nest. Either she laid it or her friend silkie could have laid it, I am not sure. So far she has not gotten off her nest unless I take her off. This morning I found her silkie friend in there with her. Is it possible that she will be broody with her? Should I give the second silkie her own eggs and nest or should I just let them work together?
Hello and welcome, I would seperate her, because other chickens will lay next to her and she ill take the eggs, then you will have a bunch of different development saged eggs.
I dont think shes going broody on top of her, If you broodies in the favorite nesting box, then the other chickens will just lay there eggs right on top of her. if you silkie is broody too I would move them both. into a seperate area so they can have privicy, and not be bothered my the other hens.

I think it would be fine if they worked together, or seperate im not sure... I have heard of broodies working together.

well id gve them there own eggs but if your one broody is already on day 2, I wouldent let them work tgether, or them might get the eggs confussed, Im not a boody expert though so, hopefully some else has a oppinion
Now my one broody Honey has give her virus to two of my other wyandotte BB (her mom) and Pepper!!! Dang Broody virus! I have it!
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As of right now no eggs for them to hatch... Was looking for some good serama eggs from SQ parents but everyone has them in frizzled and silkied....I just want normal smooth serama eggs.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy adopted a chick last Summer and raised it ( it was actual her egg to begin w/. ) Her baby is now around 3-4 months old and recently Mrs. Fluffy has been getting the "Broody Cluck" and her poo is well...you know!
Love this thread! I'm joining in and have a couple questions. I bought a silkie at the Ohio Nationals for my son. They said she hadn't started laying yet and I'm not sure if she as ever laid yet. But, this morning I saw her sitting on eggs. I didn't touch her. Thought maybe she was trying to lay. Went to close them up tonight and she has not moved. Pretty sure she's broody! She's setting there just like my cochin girls do when they're broody! Is it possible for them to go broody before laying? Also, it was 32 degrees here today and colder tonight. Would the eggs even develop in that temperature? I would like to move her in the house, but if the eggs are already bad, I don't see the point. I've had my roosters separated from the hens for about two weeks to get ready for spring breeding. Eggs may not be fertile anyway, but I want to give her a chance if they are!

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