Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dldolan - that is a cute momma photo. I am new to chickens, but that is a lovely bird. What kind is she?

She is a Blue Cochin. Very nice and lets me be "auntie" and is OK with me picking up the chicks, although while on the nest she was somewhat more aggressive with me, growling, etc. Now she goes after my Wellies if they get too close! Grabbed one by the ear and flung her!!

I have my first broody and put 6 eggs from another user under her on Jan 8. I have to bring her food and water - she doesn't seem to get up. She drinks alot when I put the water under her nose. Also, she is a very sweet hen and won't peck me when I tried to candle the eggs last night. She's a buff wyandotte with a mixture of 6 under her (I forgot what we are hatching!!).

I had to move my broody off the nest after she went eight days without moving! Someone else told me to do this, and I did it every other day, three times, but then she would get up when she heard me coming to eat, drink and poop, get her treats, then right back on the eggs!! It was good i "trained" her to do this, because then she started coming out with the chicks after they hatched (give her 2-3 days to let them settle in) when she heard me coming. Made it easier to clean, change chick water, etc.

Here was my set up while she was on the eggs she is way in the back in a Christmas tin I eventually changed her out of:


I left her locked in so the other birds wouldn't disturb her, but let her out if I was there in the run....
I would let her try, I mean if she quits on you, you could just put her eggs in the incubator. Kind of young, But mines only 10 months and shes doing really good

And I think it would be ok to put the eggs from the incubator under her. And seperate her for sure, Put her in a closed in area to where she cant hop on a different nest to where she leaves the other eggs behind.

its 20 degrees here, And my broodies get off for like 10 mins, and I leave the eggs and put a hanging clamp light above the eggs, ( I hang it from the top of the cage) so the eggs dont get to cold, and when she comes back I just move the light out of her way

But broodies are pretty good at timeing how long they should take for there break, before the eggs get cold.

hope this helps
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Thank you. Should I put the eggs under her on day 18? At night? If I decide to let some hatch in the bator can I just put the new hatched chicks under her? How old should the chicks be one hour or fluffed?
Im putting day 16 eggs under my new 10 month old broody

mine lets me slip eggs under her in the day time.

maybe she might except them, its a flaky situation, Some times they do, sometimes they dont...
Ok so I just had my blue orp. go broody today and Ijust set some shipped eggs in the bator...ssoooooo, I went and collected the three eggs from under her and took three eggs out of the bator and put them under her. This will be exciting.

My first time with a broody and eggs. Now should I move her or leave her in the coop nesting boxes? If I leave her where she is will the chicks be ok in with the other hens when they hatch or is it best to isolate her? Do I do it now or wait?

No, Id move her within the first 48 hours, Possibly at night. Make sure to move her, Im pretty sure the other hens will kill the chicks.
I made sure my broody was set on the eggs, then moved her to her new broody coop at dusk on about day 3... Seemed to work well.

I waited until the chicks were 7 days, then let mama/chicks out into my run (20x15 ft) while I was there in the run. MRS. kept the other hens clear, and babies near. By day ten I left their broody/family area open all day, and mama had the chicks out of the run and into the orchard about eight feet by day 14. All my hens get locked in the completely enclosed and covered run and coop for the night, so no predator danger (thus far--knock on wood). Chicks were enjoying the sunshine, and mama teaching them to scratch around for yummy bugs was so cute! The other hens haven't try to do anything to the chicks at all. And my lead RIR goes right over and scrathes and eats with the whole family! Probably it depends on your coop dynamics. My hens are usually out all day free-ranging, so have little interest in the chicks, esp. with velociraptor mama ready to defend.

Cochin #2 didn't even bat an eye when I gave her 4 eggs, then 6 morea few hours later! Just happy as a clam!

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