Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, Did the person sell you un-fertile eggs or something???? Id give them bad feed back on ebay if he did, So know on else buys the un fertile eggs.

Oh well...I just went out to check on my broody hen and she was sitting in another nest box with NO eggs while the three eggs I put under her were sitting there cold in the box next to her???
So I gathered them up and put them back in the bator? Well just have to see if these develop now... Why did she do that? I was so excited for her to be a momma!
She most likely did not mean to, it happens. Mine did that at first too. I would move her to her own personal area, So weres theres no other nest , beside her. Someone once gave me a suggestion to, Clean a tidy cat litter box ( the thing you buy the litter in,) *this might sound mean but it works* well put a few hole in the top, and lock her in, tell she gets use to the area, and know thats her nest. Broodies do get confussed and it happens, Im sure shes really determained, I give her another chance and put her in a new area. Away fom other hens, good luck
My broody move because the other hens would get in the box, when she went to eat or just to see what she was doing. Seperate her out in her own little pen or area. I have heard that other hens can get in the nest and break eggs. I moved my broody yesturday. At first she was mad, but after she settled down she seems happy as a clam.
Kind of a sad update! but theres hope...

Well first ill start with,

DAY 17


And anyways now for the sad, part.

Last night I candled.

First let me tell you

*Sargent mayham has 13 eggs, Im pretty sure, or somethin like that

*And Chip had 6


Well Chips candle update : No fertile eggs, nothing was forming
she was on day 6.

Now sargents update: 4 eggs not forming, But that still leaves, 9 eggs that are on day 17.


I talked to people on here, and I gave chip 4 of sargents eggs, So now Sargent Mayham has 5 eggs, and chip has 4.

Oh well , theres still hope.
My three are still going strong... both packed into 1 nest box
No luck on eggs yet... Pmed a few people on here but still no reply after 3 days.

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