Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, Well.. I hope you find your eggs you want!
good luck!
Hey all! Figures right when we get a bator and get a bunch of eggs in there halfway done that we finally have one of our first generation hens go broody after almost two years! Murphy's Law has always been real strong in me. xD Anyways I have had to work and didn't get a chance to move her into another coop until tonight (48 hrs'ish) and I couldn't get her to stay outside of her normal domain in a dog house in the baby chick pen. Anyone have any tips to get her into another spot cause she is taking up valuable real estate and it's not going to be safe in the main coop. She got off her eggs and wimpered at the pallet wall to let her back in there just a bit ago. She is back in the box she went broody in back with her 5 eggs.
Ok, You want to seperate her from the other chickens. Usually do it at night, unless she lets you move her in day time then go for it. give her a area to herself, lock her in this area. So she cant get out (if its a cage or something, Put bedding you use for your chickens in there, cover up the area with a old sheet or something so she cant watch whats going on around her. She should settle down ( if she does then just do that for 2 days, by then she should be use to her area and know thats her nest) If she Does not, Then find a type of box ( kitty litter tub, the thing you buy kitty litter in) and pop a few holes in the top and put her in there with bedding and her eggs and put the top on *sounds cruel but its not* keep her in there for 12-24 hours and she should know thats her nest.
Thank you very much happyhens for the quick reply. So I guess I'll just try for the doghouse again and I'll be a bit more persistant with a piece of plywood in front of the door. LOL MUST remember to cut holes in it before I go closing it up! It has never served as a coop so far. All things become a chicken coop at some point.
I Actually tried to get a couple turkeys to use it a few weeks ago... lol I didn't even come close to convicing them it was easy to get into.
Ditto. That is why I put mine in a separate space, locked in to the dog crate with food and water for a few days...just until I was sure she was going to always head back to the eggs if I let her out.

I'm away, so my son checked the "new" broody with the 10 Splash Marans eggs, and he said mama had kicked one of the eggs out of the nest. Any ideas about this? Just a goof for this first time hatcher (second time broody, however) or intentional? My hen with the 4 BCM chicks kicked the fifth out of the nest so it died, but it was very sickly when hatched, so following her natural instincts, I guessed. Is this the same situation??

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