Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Awesome! you found someone selling them

Yup Might be getting a few from a person on BYC and a serama guy from the last show I went to said he'll get a batch or 2 for me!
Never having had a broody before, I'm not touching mine at all... just letting her do her job. I am so afraid that I will do something to cause her to quit the nesting....
She still has 2 weeks to go!
My bantam cochins go broody over golf balls. I had a bunch of new layers laying everywhere but in the nest boxes, so I added golf balls into all the nest boxes and darned if my bantams both went broodie, So I removed the golf balls to a bucket and they found them. Wouldn't budge - sounded like godzilla anytime I went near - I finally got some gloves and removed the one broody and took the golf balls. They are both wanting to be mommies I seems. I think it is too soon for babies right now but in March I will see If I can get them broodie again and give them something to sit on that will hatch more than little tigerwoods golf balls.

Of course!, just as I position the camera to take a picture, the third EE walks off the nest

Here are Fried & Popcorn anyways:

Edited to add this picture(taken in December) of the other broody EE, Nugget
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