Let's talk about Star Wars!

How are you celebrating May 4th?
Properly attired. :)

I'm in tech, so even as senior leadership, I can dress as casually as I choose, whenever I choose. Tomorrow will be A SW tee with matching Vans and shorts. :) I will also annoy my staff all day by answering all questions with SW quotes or speaking like Yoda.

This is what a true Sith would to on May the 4th.
Properly attired. :)

I'm in tech, so even as senior leadership, I can dress as casually as I choose, whenever I choose. Tomorrow will be A SW tee with matching Vans and shorts. :) I will also annoy my staff all day by answering all questions with SW quotes or speaking like Yoda.

This is what a true Sith would to on May the 4th.

Wait Sith?! Are you on the Dark Side?!?!

Wait Sith?! Are you on the Dark Side?!?!

To answer this, I need to paint a small picture.

I have 22 people reporting up to me in various teams around the world, with most of them being here in the States (windows and unix engineers, your stereotypical tech crew). Along with them, there are 2 other teams that share office space with us, so there are about 40 people close by. ALL of them are massive SW geeks, and they all decided which characters they were gonna be. They decided that I'm Palpatine, and my 2 managers here stateside are Maul and Revan. I keep my evil hidden behind a smiling and friendly facade until the time is right to strike.

It's a badge I carry with honor. :)
To answer this, I need to paint a small picture.

I have 22 people reporting up to me in various teams around the world, with most of them being here in the States (windows and unix engineers, your stereotypical tech crew). Along with them, there are 2 other teams that share office space with us, so there are about 40 people close by. ALL of them are massive SW geeks, and they all decided which characters they were gonna be. They decided that I'm Palpatine, and my 2 managers here stateside are Maul and Revan. I keep my evil hidden behind a smiling and friendly facade until the time is right to strike.

It's a badge I carry with honor. :)

Revan is one of my favorite Star Wars characters! Second only to Wedge Antilles

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