Let's talk about Star Wars!

More Bendu info. The Bendu that is in Canon now is based off of a bunch of Legends source material, that was part of the back story of the founding of the Jedi order. If you're unfamiliar with what Legends is, it's the Star Wars Expanded Universe stuff that Lucas blessed but didn't create himself. Disney did away with basically all of it when they bought Lucasarts out (The official Canon right now is movies + TV shows, +Some Dark Horse comics, and basically anything after Apr 25 2014), but pieces of the Legends canon have drifted back in (Thrawn is the prime example of this). There is a TON of Legends material out there that is full of amazing opportunities for Disney to tell other stories, and I think over time we'll see more of it come back into canon.

Okay cool!
Happy Star Wars Day!!!!

Star Wars day she says

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