Let's talk Cuckoo and WHITE marans... breeding strategies...

I don't think any of your survived. I will have to think on that and see if I can remember how that happened. @Raven1 Did that splash guy have feathered legs? I don't think this guy came from him because he is Black not blue......

I only remember getting eggs, birds or chicks from You, Becky and TX. I know I didn't use any from TX because one had yellow legs so ALL had the gene. I might have to go look as some old posts and see what happened.
@Raven1 I got a reg cuckoo roo from you! He was younger and had middle toe feathers...... He was the sire to my current roo. I must have gotten him around the same time as I got the blue hens. You didn't want to sell that splash guy yet.
I had to read that twice. I thought you posted RED cuckoo. I was about to ask where I can find red cuckoo Marans!

Maybe I could make some from cuckoo and BTB.
I had to read that twice. I thought you posted RED cuckoo. I was about to ask where I can find red cuckoo Marans!

Maybe I could make some from cuckoo and BTB.
You got my attention !
I am working on this dang blasted Crele color...with the cuckoos, but he (my avatar) is 1 barred gene & the cuckoos have 2 so it is as if I have to follow the "golden cuckoo" recipe..............need dark eggs here, need to find dark BCM eggs for this project, if anyone has any...PM me.

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