Let's talk Golden Cuckoo Marans!

I will try to get some better pictures tomorrow without the flash. I got these from a breeder who has been very up front and fair with birds I've gotten from her previously. The eggs were medium brown, speckled and jumbo size.
Thank you for the feedback.
Hopefully these are better pictures. I am seeing what you are talking about that they are not quite like the chicks Chickee posted as examples of true GCM. There are 6 chicks total 3 days old.

New batch of chicks! These ones were incredibly easy to sex! :)

(Don't mind the lavender Ameraucana...)
Congratulations. Very cute! I have never seen the males that light before. It will be interesting to see what color they feather in. :pop   

Yes! I'm excited to see too! My son likes the lighter ones better, so that's good. But the parent pics didn't look toooo light, just the same as other "lighter" ones I've seen, with great barring still. Egg color wasn't fantastic, but I'll probably just set the darker eggs (from the first two pullets) and sell the lighter eggs (from these two pullets). Should be able to work toward a good color... Plus, if all else fails, cross to BCMs....
I just found this thread and have read through most of it. It seems to me there is some misperceptions regarding this breed. I never experienced webbed feet, my birds are consistent with the color they pass, as well as feathered shanks and outer toes. The only problem that crops up occasionally is the side sprigs on the combs of a pullet. I don't use those in my breeding, they are placed in the pen with other laying hens in a non-breeding pasture. Also, Marans of any color are yet to be accepted by the APA.
My GCM rooster is the most friendly and laid-back of all my roos, as are all his male offspring.

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