Let's Talk With Some Weirdos

No bubble here. Different philosophy. My inner voice says that chickens are living creatures who aren't for disposal. They gave me eggs while they were younger, trained young cockerels, raised babies. They are important members of the flock, and I can't toss them out just because they are spent. But I know there are many people who see animals as commodities. It's a cultural difference. I get it.
If I had tossed her out just because she was spent, she wouldn't have been 6, almost 7years old. Just because I chose to be happy about the natural cycle of life opening a space for some other lucky hen at my very top notch chicken village, doesn't mean that see chickens as disposable commodities. It's not even about my culture, it's about me admitting that I celebrate life over mourning, when I see absolutely nothing to mourn or call a "loss." I'm sorry you're missing my point and it's not important to me that you share it, but definitely don't read all untrue negatively into it because you're way off.
No pets bigger than a poodle.
Are you sure?
Ah. Understood. I am a newbie; I have lost one of my birds before he was 4 months of age, and I cried like a baby when he went. That is why your initial post bothered me so much.

I apologize for my harshness earlier. 🙏🏻
My last 4 hatchlings really had a difficult time. After I lost 2 I was trying to get the weakest one strong enough to put with the others that hatched successfully. I held him and played Cindy Lauper “All through the night” and cried my eyes out. He still died. RIP little birb

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