Let's Talk With Some Weirdos

I don't know about that my daughter has absolutely no resentment for me whatsoever she's 30 years old and tells me she loves me everyday tells me that she pales in comparison to me which I think is silly but whatever and I even practiced what my mom did to me when Ashley left her toys laying around I took them and gave them to needy children and had her help me do it she has learned that the things that she finds precious need to be taken care of when she had friends over if they left popsicle sticks or rappers or icy sleeves on the ground and I found them it got taken away they didn't get them again and I practiced this throughout her entire childhood she is a grown adult lives on her own has three cats and a dog pays her bills goes to work works in a metal Milling plant and is second hand to the supervisor so I honestly think I didn't really do too bad
Please, please use punctuation. I can't read this
Sorry I don't type out answers I speak into my phone and it types it out for me I do not have patience to sit and hit every little letter so please be patient and accept me for who I am as I accept you for who you are
Serious Cary Elwes GIF
I don't know about that my daughter has absolutely no resentment for me whatsoever she's 30 years old and tells me she loves me everyday tells me that she pales in comparison to me which I think is silly but whatever and I even practiced what my mom did to me when Ashley left her toys laying around I took them and gave them to needy children and had her help me do it she has learned that the things that she finds precious need to be taken care of when she had friends over if they left popsicle sticks or rappers or icy sleeves on the ground and I found them it got taken away they didn't get them again and I practiced this throughout her entire childhood she is a grown adult lives on her own has three cats and a dog pays her bills goes to work works in a metal Milling plant and is second hand to the supervisor so I honestly think I didn't really do too bad
With the personification technique, I learned feelings for others (empathy, sympathy, all that good garbage that has cost me a lot of money doing kind things). There was a natural disaster somewhere in the world when I was 9 or 10 and my mom sat my sister and I down and told us about what the kids there had lost. We instantly jumped up and started gathering our most loved toys to donate to those kids. They were ratty and dirty, but they were our best toys. I still do not know where the disaster happened, or what the disaster was, but to this day I still hope that those kids found comfort in what little we could give. Those are lessons learned by being taught to be a human. The time-outs without real punishment does not always equate the punishments you will endure in real life when you are an adult. If that 6 year old grows up to become an arsonist and he kills kids with his stupid fire, his ass will be handed to him regularly in a prison cell. He will get both as an adult: Time out without parole, and a daily beating/stabbing. Learn to be a human, learn what happens when you do inhumane things, and you will be able to avoid those punishments later in life. That is how I was raised, that is how I will raise a child. Do no harm, and you shall receive no harm. Unless you are an idiot looking for harm. Then, have at it and earn your harm.
Expound upon this. I've only read snippets of the goings on there.
Think of a vocal minority that still speak for the majority with a list of demands. Most recently, a couple hundred gathering at his office with said demands. Officials were willing to allow three in to the office. They refused, wanting all in. Nevermind fire code or even square footage.

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