Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Hi, I have noticed that my blue Andalusian has a crooked neck. It bows to the left and tonight I caught her to check her out. Her neck is definitely bent. I don't' know if it was ever broken or what. She's a major flyer who knows if she got stuck flying or what. I also felt her gullet off to the left. First I thought whoa a huge goiter? Then the contents moved around a little like scratch would feel in a fabric bag so I am thinking that's just how she grew. She lays eggs, she has yet to be killed by a hawk or the owl that frequents my house. She may not be fit but she' a survivor. Do you cull this bird or let her live on since she's totally thriving.


Treat for wry neck and keep her. I wouldn't use her for breeding, but there's really no reason to cull. It's completely recoverable if you treat it. Here's mine:

What does her crop feel like? Can you take a picture?
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My 4 1/2 month Silkie rooster may have crookneck but with some difference. He doesn't put his head between or under his leg but raises a wing gets down low and walks backwards. He then will then straighten up and walk forwards. Is this also crookneck. He has a good diet of chick grower, fresh vegetables and mealworms. I do have two roosters together.
My 4 1/2 month Silkie rooster may have crookneck but with some difference. He doesn't put his head between or under his leg but raises a wing gets down low and walks backwards. He then will then straighten up and walk forwards. Is this also crookneck. He has a good diet of chick grower, fresh vegetables and mealworms. I do have two roosters together.
Yes it sounds like it to me. He may possibly have been injured, but I would start him on vitamins if possible in his water. Check out the link in post # 141. Good luck.
My 4 1/2 month Silkie rooster may have crookneck but with some difference. He doesn't put his head between or under his leg but raises a wing gets down low and walks backwards. He then will then straighten up and walk forwards. Is this also crookneck. He has a good diet of chick grower, fresh vegetables and mealworms. I do have two roosters together.

Here's another one:


It does sound like it. Seperate him out as soon as you can. All the stuff is sold OTC. It will likely get worse before it gets better. Good luck!
I took my girl and isolated her and helped get some vitamin water in her until she could get it herself and she was well in about 3 days. We waited a couple more and re-introduced her to the flock and she's been fine ever since.

This is my fancy neck brace made from a toilet paper roll an staples.

Prior to this episode, she was having tics where she kept flicking her head and I was getting worried. Turned out to be wry neck. I'm treating her with selium, vitamin E and baby aspirin. Hoping the best for her. She's still able to peck at her wet feed and taking huge chunks which makes me happy that she's fighting. As long as she's fighting, I'll be right there with her.

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