Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Here is a more detailed review of recent events: firstly, knowing I had a vet appointment Wednesday morning but not being able to wait an entire day and a half without doing anything, Monday around 2 pm I gave her a small dose of aspirin. By the time I made it home to feed her again at 430 there was already noticeable improvement in her behavior. She was opening her eyes for the first time in over a day and trying (unsuccessfully) to eat for herself. It was dramatic and gave me hope. At this point I was still hoping to get her on prednisone.

Tuesday, another small dose of aspirin, and the normal vitamins and hand feeding. She was still pretty responsive which again was hopeful. Wednesday morning we went to the vet. First point of interest:


Something about how they interact, the vet couldn't have put her on prednisone until 7-10 DAYS after the last aspirin dose.

Still, I am happy she responded so well, and it may be an option for others who are not able or willing to go to the vet.

While at the vet she had a thorough exam and the vet found nothing broken or other obvious injuries. He said he didn't suspect vitamin deficiency because I'd had her on a balanced starter feed for the 4 weeks I'd had her prior to any sign of symptoms. He said it was most likely viral or bacterial, and that they see it most often (how often people in this area take chickens to the vet I don't know) with inner ear infections. In my opinion this kind of fits as she is swollen around her left ear. We are continuing aspirin use (1/16 of a low dose pill that is hell to split out) and have also added an antibiotic. Vet said 2-3 days should see noticable improvement if it's bacterial so fingers crossed! I will continue to update!
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It's wry neck. Just because she is on balanced feed doesn't mean her body is processing the food.. wry neck is a vitamin B deficiency... get poly visol NO iron and give her a few drops a day directly on the side of her beak. Do not put it down her beak or she will choke and die. You can mix it with scrambled eggs or water but you need to give it 3 or 4 times a day ... stress causes wry neck to reappear once healed.
It's wry neck. Just because she is on balanced feed doesn't mean her body is processing the food.. wry neck is a vitamin B deficiency... get poly visol NO iron and give her a few drops a day directly on the side of her beak. Do not put it down her beak or she will choke and die. You can mix it with scrambled eggs or water but you need to give it 3 or 4 times a day ... stress causes wry neck to reappear once healed.
I found it easier to mix it with the powder of crushed pellets and feed it to them either as a paste from a syringe into the front of their mouth or formed into small pellets if they will take it.
I have not tried the vitamin B yet. There was an infection for sure, 2 days on the antibiotics and the swelling around her face is completely gone! She is also much more alert with her eyes open. That's the good news but infortunately the twisting has gotten even worse! She can't stand up anymore and is twisted down her whole back now. This is sooo frustrating!! I started her on nutri drench this morning that I had ordered Wednesday, not sure where to get poly visol??? The nutri drench doesn't appear to have vitamin B. Ugh!!!
I have not tried the vitamin B yet. There was an infection for sure, 2 days on the antibiotics and the swelling around her face is completely gone! She is also much more alert with her eyes open. That's the good news but infortunately the twisting has gotten even worse! She can't stand up anymore and is twisted down her whole back now. This is sooo frustrating!! I started her on nutri drench this morning that I had ordered Wednesday, not sure where to get poly visol??? The nutri drench doesn't appear to have vitamin B. Ugh!!!
Nutri-drench has most of the B vitamins (thiamine, niacin) except for riboflavin. Read farther down the label. That is only necessary in some foot and leg problems. Poultry Cell is identical to Nutri-drench but it has riboflavin. The drenches are better to use than Polyvisol since the dosage is correct for a chicken using the label directions, and it contains the mineral selenium which PolyViso does not. PolyVisol is available in drugs stores in the baby vitamins.


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is a premium, nutrient rich supplement formulated to rapidly deliver energy and essential nutrients. The patented process increases speed of assimilation and bio-availability. The finest nutrition support all poultry.
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5,610 ICU/fl oz
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Im glad you saw a vet. When a quail had a swelling on the side of its head I was told it might be a sinus infection. When I researched sinus infection in fowl I found a site showing a peafowl with a sinus infection and the operation to remove the infection. I wrote to the author of the posting and got advice and help in operating on my quail. I removed a pea-sized nodule from its head. He healed fine but to this day has sight issues but lives on and is doing well enough. None of the other quail bully or bother him and he is in a large aviary of quail. I was going to suggest you look into sinus infection and learn about the operation but it is better that you saw a vet. If the bump persists you can always look into sinus infection in fowl and see an operation that can possible help.
I wonder is it's possible that I've given her too much vitamin E? Anyone have experience with the that? I was very careful with the selenium because everyone warned about overdosing with that but I was giving her a lot of vitamin E. I think I'm going half mad over this poor baby!!
It is possible to over dose on E and other fat soluble vitamins such as D I believe. Water soluables such as B and C are not toxic. I dont know if you have overdosed her but be careful with fat soluble vits.
Vitamin A is also fat soluble or at least you can overdose on it.  It is best to give and take beta-carotene and let your body do the conversion to vit A.

Thanks. I'm pulling her off of everything except the nutri drench at the recommended dose

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