Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

In case anyone is following still, she is improving again. She's back to the strength that she had last Wednesday, and she can pull her head upright for a few seconds at a time if I hold her still. She's trying to peck at scrambled eggs (she really seems to love them), but is very off balance and mostly misses. He head is still a little swollen but I'm hoping it will continue to get better. Still on antibiotics, 1/16 of a low dose aspirin and nutri drench. Fingers crossed
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Off balance and swollen head, sure sounds like a sinus infection. Is the swelling in one place on the head or is the entire head swollen. Do you have a picture you can post? My quail who I operated on had a distinct swelling on the side top of its head. That is where I removed the tumor/infection from. He was never off balance but he spent his time hiding his head until I operated.
Off balance and swollen head, sure sounds like a sinus infection.  Is the swelling in one place on the head or is the entire head swollen.  Do you have a picture you can post?  My quail who I operated on had a distinct swelling on the side top of its head.  That is where I removed the tumor/infection from.  He was never off balance but he spent his time hiding his head until I operated.

Here are a few pictures from today:




And two from 1 week ago that shows the difference in size since putting her on the antibiotics...

Good so the antibiotic seems to helping reduce the swelling. Here is a pic of my quail's bump prior to surgery. I was told surgery was necessary as blood flow was probably cut off to the infection so any antibiotic that I was giving him was probably not helping.

See how it is only swollen on the side near my thumb? He is also cross beaked so may or may not have contributed. I dont see anything to operate on in your case.

Here is what I removed from my little guy:

That is a large tumor for such a small guy. It was obviously localized. Yours looks to be the entire head is swollen.Yes?
Good so the antibiotic seems to helping reduce the swelling. Here is a pic of my quail's bump prior to surgery. I was told surgery was necessary as blood flow was probably cut off to the infection so any antibiotic that I was giving him was probably not helping. See how it is only swollen on the side near my thumb? He is also cross beaked so may or may not have contributed. I dont see anything to operate on in your case. Here is what I removed from my little guy: That is a large tumor for such a small guy. It was obviously localized. Yours looks to be the entire head is swollen.Yes?
Not the whole head but about 1/4 of it. Behind the left ear back on the one side. I've pushed around on it and there doesn't seem to be a mass of any sort. I asked the vet today if maybe we should try a different antibiotic but haven't heard back from him yet. The good news is she seems to be doing better and better! She is actually eating out of a dish pretty well on her own if I hold her steady.
Well I've scheduled another vet appointment. Sigh. She does seem better, more alert, she'll pull her head up to eat eggs and starter kibble out of a bowl if I support her, but we've plateaued and she doesn't seem to be improving any more. Currently giving her antibiotics twice a day, Nutridrench in the morning, force feeding her soaked starter 6-8 times per day depending on what my work schedule allows, and letting her free feed as much as she's willing on eggs and dry starter after the force feedings.

Lobzi, I am starting to wonder if there may be a small mass behind her ear vent where it was swollen before. I've been feeling around there and her neck trying to get some motion in for her muscles, and there may be a small wiggling ball there. I will ask the vet his opinion on that when I go in Tuesday.

I pulled her off of the aspirin last Tuesday so I can start her on prednisone if the vet thinks it will help. No noticeable difference in her when I stopped the aspirin.

I have three possible thoughts on next action to take that I will be discussing with the vet. First, to try prednisone. Second, if he thinks there is a mass to remove. Finally, am I just prolonging the inevitable and maybe should have her put down.

Any other suggestions for conversation with the vet? This has been going on for a long time now poor baby.
Hi spangles403
I was on this thread about 2 years ago with my chicken that had the same issue. I took her to my vet and she treated her for an ear infection. It took two rounds of antibiotics. The second round was a very strong antibiotic. If I can find the bottle I'll take a picture of it. My Buffy is still around today and doing well. She still has a tilt to her head . Every once in awhile her head will start spinning and it ends upside down but I'm so glad I didn't put her down.
If you think there might be a mass dont put her down until giving removal of the mass a try. You might help her by removing the mass and you can do it yourself. It is easy and I can talk you through it if necessary. I got some tips from the person who mentored me that I can pass on.
You need to know though that my little fella was behaving fairly normally except he would hide his head constantly. I didnt think that was much of a life so I did the operation. Also, I didnt operate until I watched the mass grow for a few weeks and could tell it was impairing his vision. Removal of the mass didnt appear to help his vision but it sure helped his self-esteem. He doesnt spend so much time in the corner hiding. He even has a girlfriend!

Do let us know what you learn and what action you decide to take. Private message me if you want my help with the operation.
Robin (AKA Lobzi)

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