Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

hook ( my little crook neck ) seams to be showing a little improvement he was standing for a few minutes in the morning yesterday. he was talking this morning when i went to feed him im going to do the naps on him to see if that will help he has been falling asleep when im feeding him
i dont know much but does he eat on his own, watch for stuff coming out of his nose or coughing or sneezing i have read that an iliness can make them do that with the neck also ,but i would watch to make sure he is eating and drinking you may have to help to get the nurishment in him.. hoping someone with more experiance comments also to help you too.
No, he isn't doing anything like that thank goodness. DH and I have been watching him most of the day and we both have come to the conclusion that he has a back injury of some sort. He is laying down in his bedding to eat and then sleeping with his body curved like a comma. When he tries to stand up, he is all over the place, staggering, dragging wings for balance, etc. It's not hard to imagine him being under the roosting bars and somebody jumping down and landing on him. He is a small boy, no more than 3 pounds. It wouldn't take much pressure to hurt him or any bird, especially from a height of 5 feet.
No, he isn't doing anything like that thank goodness. DH and I have been watching him most of the day and we both have come to the conclusion that he has a back injury of some sort. He is laying down in his bedding to eat and then sleeping with his body curved like a comma. When he tries to stand up, he is all over the place, staggering, dragging wings for balance, etc. It's not hard to imagine him being under the roosting bars and somebody jumping down and landing on him. He is a small boy, no more than 3 pounds. It wouldn't take much pressure to hurt him or any bird, especially from a height of 5 feet.
so true is there some place you can sepererate him for a while to see if he will recuperate but keep him within eye sight of the others so they can see each other?
I tried that last night babychicks7. I have a broody box and pen in the main coop that I put him in last night. He went postal, just frantic which is why I think he is worse today. I have a nice metal cage that I put him in and brought him into our shop which attached to our home. I go through there 80 times a day at least so I'm able to keep an eye on him and talk to him on the way through. He is more alert this afternoon but he is currently stretched out straight with his head resting on the bedding. He looks up and talks to me on the way through. Tweek and I have always held conversations together. He looks comfortable. Poor boy just doesn't want to move and I can well understand how he must feel as I have recently went from acute to chronic back pain from my own back injury. I just can't give him the medicine that I took and am still taking to keep the pain dampened down to a tolerable level.
I tried that last night babychicks7. I have a broody box and pen in the main coop that I put him in last night. He went postal, just frantic which is why I think he is worse today. I have a nice metal cage that I put him in and brought him into our shop which attached to our home. I go through there 80 times a day at least so I'm able to keep an eye on him and talk to him on the way through. He is more alert this afternoon but he is currently stretched out straight with his head resting on the bedding. He looks up and talks to me on the way through. Tweek and I have always held conversations together. He looks comfortable. Poor boy just doesn't want to move and I can well understand how he must feel as I have recently went from acute to chronic back pain from my own back injury. I just can't give him the medicine that I took and am still taking to keep the pain dampened down to a tolerable level.
poor guy :( at least you found a place he is comfortable and he can see you also hoping for a full recovery for him :)
Thanks babychicks7. He seems to be worse today. He doesn't want to eat or drink on his own so I have been syringing thinned baby food into him. He is swallowing after a little delay so it is a slow process. He also isn't 'talking' to me unless I touch him and now he is, when he is standing, standing with his head down and his wings open and drooping. I just do not know what is wrong with him or what has happened. Just now I noticed that he has his left eye closed and won't open it.

I'm still thinking that A) he took a fall during the night and injured himself B) another bird took a tumble off the roost and landed on him or C) there is something neurologically wrong with him that is genetic or has been there latent since birth and now that he is maturing it is surfacing.

This is day three for him.
Thanks babychicks7. He seems to be worse today. He doesn't want to eat or drink on his own so I have been syringing thinned baby food into him. He is swallowing after a little delay so it is a slow process. He also isn't 'talking' to me unless I touch him and now he is, when he is standing, standing with his head down and his wings open and drooping. I just do not know what is wrong with him or what has happened. Just now I noticed that he has his left eye closed and won't open it.

I'm still thinking that A) he took a fall during the night and injured himself B) another bird took a tumble off the roost and landed on him or C) there is something neurologically wrong with him that is genetic or has been there latent since birth and now that he is maturing it is surfacing.

This is day three for him.

Sorry to hear about your little guy. I'm afraid I don't have much advice to offer other than providing some additional vitamins in his water and extra protein if you can get it in him (scrambled eggs, boiled chicken, or fish, yogurt, cheese shreds) Honestly his symptoms don't sound like it's wry neck. I think you may be correct that he suffered some sort of injury. It may be that he is deteriorating because he isn't eating enough. Have you considered tube feeding?
This does not sound like Wry Neck. Especially since you have been feeding them sunflower seeds which have both E and selenium in them. As Chickcrack says, I'm thinking you're right, sounds like an injury.
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Sorry to hear about your little guy. I'm afraid I don't have much advice to offer other than providing some additional vitamins in his water and extra protein if you can get it in him (scrambled eggs, boiled chicken, or fish, yogurt, cheese shreds) Honestly his symptoms don't sound like it's wry neck. I think you may be correct that he suffered some sort of injury. It may be that he is deteriorating because he isn't eating enough. Have you considered tube feeding?

This does not sound like Wry Neck. Especially since you have been feeding them sunflower seeds which have both E and selenium in them. As Chickcrack says, I'm thinking you're right, sounds like an injury.
Yes, I have thought about tubing him but I don't think it would be easy as his neck is still crooked, now like an upside down question mark instead of a backwards S. Not knowing what kind of injury he has, and especially if it is a neck injury, I'm afraid I might cause more harm than good if I try to drop a tube on him. I bought a jar of baby food, I think it's roast chicken, 25% protein, thinned it with water so it's a thick paste that I can suck up in a syringe that I've attached a piece of tubing to. I can get him to open his mouth and get about 4ccs down him before he starts to struggle. Past that point and he's flinging it out of his mouth as fast as I can put it in.

I have Rooster Booster Vitamins and pro-biotics in his water now so that base is covered.

His left eye is still closed, right eye open.

He ate fairly well yesterday. I gave him game bird feed mixed with his favorite treats, oatmeal and sunflower seeds. He was really working on that oatmeal. Today, nada unless I force it on him.
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