Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Hi Dirk how are your little ducklings doing?

They are doing good. I'm having a hard time now telling which one the one with Wry Neck was. She has almost completely healed. Just once in a while she will have her neck sideways a little. Lucky, the one with the beak problem isn't great. She has a hard time eating since her beak doesn't pinch together at the same point. I have to have deep food for her and she digs in deep and flings it everywhere while she's trying to pop her head up and get it to go down her throat. She's now about half the size of the rest since she can't adequately feed herself. I still haven't figured out what to do with her. I'm planning on calling the vet to see if there is anything that can be done.

Here is a photo of her in their outdoor cage that I keep them in during the day since it's so warm out. They prefer to be out. She looks like daffy duck with that scrunched up beak.

Here's a video of them taking a swim a few weeks ago.
They are doing good. I'm having a hard time now telling which one the one with Wry Neck was. She has almost completely healed. Just once in a while she will have her neck sideways a little. Lucky, the one with the beak problem isn't great. She has a hard time eating since her beak doesn't pinch together at the same point. I have to have deep food for her and she digs in deep and flings it everywhere while she's trying to pop her head up and get it to go down her throat. She's now about half the size of the rest since she can't adequately feed herself. I still haven't figured out what to do with her. I'm planning on calling the vet to see if there is anything that can be done. Here is a photo of her in their outdoor cage that I keep them in during the day since it's so warm out. They prefer to be out. She looks like daffy duck with that scrunched up beak.
So cute! I hope the vet has some suggestions for you
I put my young cockerel, Tweek, down this evening. He continued to worsen through the afternoon and evening to the point where he was having seizures and unable to stand. I couldn't even get him to hold his head up so I could give him water. Finally, the last gift of love I could give him was to end the suffering for him.

He's buried next to his dad who died earlier this spring.

In life renewing itself. I discovered that I have a broody hen when I fed and watered.

Thanks you everyone who tried to help figure out what happened. We still believe that he was injured and suffered a neurological trauma.

You guys are good people.
I put my young cockerel, Tweek, down this evening. He continued to worsen through the afternoon and evening to the point where he was having seizures and unable to stand. I couldn't even get him to hold his head up so I could give him water. Finally, the last gift of love I could give him was to end the suffering for him.

He's buried next to his dad who died earlier this spring.

In life renewing itself. I discovered that I have a broody hen when I fed and watered.

Thanks you everyone who tried to help figure out what happened. We still believe that he was injured and suffered a neurological trauma.

You guys are good people.

I know that was hard for you. You did the right thing. Wry neck is a solvable problem but it's clear you weren't dealing with that and there was some sort of trauma related injury to your cockerel.
Thanks, Dirk. No it wasn't easy at all and we were willing to hang in there with him if it had been a wry neck problem. As time passed it became obvious that we were dealing with something that wasn't going to get better.

I retired from nursing recently after 45 years of service. It never gets easier.

BTW. Your little ducklings swimming merrily around their wheelbarrow made me smile. Thanks I needed that badly!
I put my young cockerel, Tweek, down this evening. He continued to worsen through the afternoon and evening to the point where he was having seizures and unable to stand. I couldn't even get him to hold his head up so I could give him water. Finally, the last gift of love I could give him was to end the suffering for him.

He's buried next to his dad who died earlier this spring.

In life renewing itself. I discovered that I have a broody hen when I fed and watered. 

Thanks you everyone who tried to help figure out what happened. We still believe that he was injured and suffered a neurological trauma.

You guys are good people.

I'm sorry for your loss.
I put my young cockerel, Tweek, down this evening. He continued to worsen through the afternoon and evening to the point where he was having seizures and unable to stand. I couldn't even get him to hold his head up so I could give him water. Finally, the last gift of love I could give him was to end the suffering for him.

He's buried next to his dad who died earlier this spring.

In life renewing itself. I discovered that I have a broody hen when I fed and watered.

Thanks you everyone who tried to help figure out what happened. We still believe that he was injured and suffered a neurological trauma.

You guys are good people.
im so sorry to here he didnt make it ,mine are also pets to me not just producers,i hate it when one goes down, my heart goes out to you
Same here babychicks. My husband always tells me to treat them like livestock, don't name them...etc. Too late.

Thank you for the kind condolences. Only somebody who's been there understands that they aren't 'just' chickens to us.

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