Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

I don't know anything about that. It doesn't sound like wry neck, though. If the chick is throwing the water back up, I would definitely limit the amount. You might look around other places to see if anyone else has information for you. I can't say that I've ever really had a chick or chicken throwing up or going crazy for water like that, so I can't really offer any experience. Good luck to you.

My chick is totally fine now. Once I started putting B-complex in the water, she started improving, and was totally normal after about 3 days. She's growing just fine and her and her siblings just got moved out to the "big chicken" pen, though they're still kept separate at this point, and still have a heat lamp.
I am glad that is post is on here. I just got a Barred Rock chick yesterday ( 2 days old) and it has a tilted head. That's why I have it because they didn't want to give it to the person who purchased it. She seems fairly normal at times, but when she gets excited, it really tilts. She does eat and drink fine. She seems very healthy other wise. She is in a box with 2 cornish cross chicks that also did not look like they would live (different problems but also doing great)

I didn't want to put Cockeyed (I know weird name. A young girl at worked named her) in with all my other chicks because I was afraid she would get hurt.

Can I start her on electrilytes at such a young age (2 days) or do I need to wait til she's a little older?

I have actually thought about just giving it to all my chicks for a few weeks just as a precaution. good idea or bad?

My turkey's vet told me the EXACT same thing, so I won't even think about going that route. I may end up doing more harm than help.
wow...really conflicting advice here on the the wry neck thing. Some people say they get better and some people say they stay this way forever. I am thankful for all of the input, but I am a little confused at what to do about this chick. I suppose I will give her a week or so and look for improvement. If nothing changes then I am not going to make her suffer any longer. It is hard enough to watch as it is for just a few days. I am totally new to the chiken thing so I am not even sure what cull means. If it means snapping her neck and killing her like the feed store clerk advised, well I am afraid I am just not capable of that. I will just have to pay the money to have a vet put her down. On an upside I have given her some vitamin e and selenium tonight. She already seems to be trying to lift her head more and I am hoping to see more improvement in the next few days. I also have been putting an electrolyte/vitamin supplement in her water. I am so thankful for this website! I would have been helpless without it and never even known what was wrong with my chick or what I could try to do for her.
Yeah I am very glad for all the advise on here as well. I am totally new to chicks, but I also get confused. I usually read and try what is mentioned most.

My little girl is doing great though. Her neck is ok sometimes, but when she gets excited, it tilts. She is eating and drinking without any problems so I'm just keeping her from the "bigger" bunch. (since I have so many chicks, started with 42 but unforutanely I'm down to 27, I have 2 brooders.) I am keeping her in the 1 that has my bantam babies and another cornish cross who came in pecked down to the skin. I call that brooder my "sick bay"..
. It also came in handy when 1 of my other chicks some how got her leg hurt. I put her in with the smaller chicks for a few days and she recovered.

When cockeyed gets older, if she gets picked on because of her neck, then I will just seperate her from the rest of the flock. I'm not a totally weirdo when it comes to animals, but as long as they are not in pain and they are eating and drinking fine, then I can't bring myself to put them down.

Thanks again for all the great advice. Being new, I'm sure I will be on this site a lot.

I know about dogs and horses, now I'm guess I'm becoming a "bird brain" as well...............

have a great day
Thank you, thank you for this wonderful message board! My 20 wk EE Turtle was suddenly very weak, most notably her neck which she had trouble holding up. I separated her and within the day her neck was long, hunched over and she could barely get around, but she would eat and drink with my help. I checked to make sure she wasn't egg bound, as she is about due for her first egg and all over for injury. After reading these posts I dashed to Walgreens for Selenium to add to vitamin E oil and held my breath hoping for the best. The next morning she was moving around much better, holding her head up a bit more and after another dose and twelve hours she was back to her old self...CRAZY!! I really thought I was going to have to put her down, but yay I don't! She is definitely at the bottom of the pecking order, and I know she gets very little of the healthy treats I put out, so vitamin deficiency may have played a role. SHe is going to get some extra spoiling from now on...my miracle chicken.
I was able to bring my Silkie (the one in my avatar) with Wry Neck back to 100% using the Prednisone, Vit E, Vit B complex, and Selenium. My boy got it very suddenly, and very severely. His head was forced between his feet, and he had to drag it around. Neck was totally useless. He could not eat or drink without my holding his head for him. He improved drastically after the first week of treatment, and is 100% now. Can't tell him from the others to know there was ever anything wrong. I truly believe that without the Prednisone, Twistie would not have made it. He had some swelling around his face and the top of his head- the Pred helps get rid of the inflammation and gives the bird a chance to let the other things do their jobs. I will never bother treating a Wry Neck without Prednisone again. Twistie had no problems, no side effects, and he's as healthy as a horse--er--Silkie.
Lots of advice on this thread ! I have a 2 month old Jap pullet that overnight tucked her head to chest. So isolated her & now a couple weeks later she has continued to grow & figured out how to eat & drink, But not sure if she is showing much improvement in the tucked neck . If a bird has wry neck condition & they return to normal, Does this bird easily relapse if stressed ?

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