Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Whatever was wrong with my Jap pullet,she returned to normal. I treated her with isolation by herself,vitamins in water, and several doses of homeopathic Arnica 6X & Hypericum 30X with several days between homeopathic doses. She has been moved back into crate with her hatchmates & still doing fine.....I assume she was injured or else had a growth problem as never was off balance,just had her head "stuck to her breast" position so had to very carefully learn how to eat & drink out of low,flat containers. She never did go off feed & actually bypassed her hatchmates in growth with the extra attention.
I was able to get ahold of some prednisone. Day 3 and Bing has rwice held her head up nice and straight for 3 full seconds! Im very hopeful. Im following the Alan Stanford method. Seems to be working :) She is at least TRYING to eat now. Still nervous shes not eatting enough. How many times a day should I be trying to feed her? Im having to hand feed her through a syringe filled with eggs and chick feed mixed with water.
Good news! Bing just ate her egg/mushed chick feed out of a jar lid all by herself!! Im so proud of her! She ate a lot too! Just when I was worried she wasnt eatting enough God answered my prayers! I have high hopes she will recover beautifully and quickly!
Great ! Just taper of the pred so she doesn't crash. And remember she was on "cortisone" so now her immune system is compromised so precautions need to be taken to avoid stress,disease etc because she won't be able to fight anything off cuz of the pred.
I have read that you should not give ibuprofen to birds here on BYC and I have heard that you can also on BYC. So that is a very good question !! I would love to know the answer to that as well.

Also a previous posters questiong has not been answered either yet. That is how much Vitamin E and Selenium should you give ?

How much ibuprofen if any ?

I know you can give them aspirin. The dose I've read is 81mg (which is a baby aspirin or low dose adult) in 1 Quart of water.

I have a beautiful showgirl hen with wry neck right now and I bought some Vitamin E today. They didn't have selenium so I'll have to go to another store. In the mean time I am going to look up selenium rich foods.
I've only had one chick with wry neck of unknown cause and selenium/vit e helped that one.

The last two cases have been due to head/neck injury. One died (silkie that I accidently dropped a roost on, and most recently an ameraucana who was attacked by a cockeral. I've been hand feeding her for going on 2 weeks now and she's FINALLLYYYYY eating on her own. She was so tilted her balance was off and she'd flop to one side. Balance is slowly coming back and she can at least get her legs under how now and 'crawl' without falling over.

What she's been getting... predisone, metacam (from the vet), selenium/vit E, kaytee baby bird formula mixed with chick starter and water. I feed that with a syringe until she won't take any more. It's been a long haul and she still has a ways to go, but in the end I'll have one very very tame hen. lol
How much of the meds, vitamin E and Selenium are you giving?

I am feeding my showgirl scrambled eggs by hand. She can eat by herself but it is very hard for her and she is on the thin side. I am also feeding her mana pro pellets as a supplement.
For the vitamin E I took a needle (I believe 21g). Poked it into the Vitamin E capsul and sucked out the vitamin E into the syringe. I then VERY CAREULLY gave her drops of the vitamin in her mouth with the needle still attached to the syringe.
I opened her mouth slightly with my left hand from behind. Then while holding her beak slightly open, I put a drop at a time of the Vitamin E in tip of her bottom beak. I released the pressure of my left hand fingers that were holding her mouth open so she could swallow. After she swallowed I gave her some more.
I gave her the whole 400 IU capsule last night. Followed by a scrambled egg. I did a search for foods high in selenium and egg is a very good source of selenium.
I have been feeding her the egg for two days now and she definately is getting alot stronger. Keeping my fingers crossed that she improves.

Here is a link to the site where I found the nutritional values. Very useful site.

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I have read that you should not give ibuprofen to birds here on BYC and I have heard that you can also on BYC. So that is a very good question !! I would love to know the answer to that as well.

Also a previous posters questiong has not been answered either yet. That is how much Vitamin E and Selenium should you give ?

How much ibuprofen if any ?

I know you can give them aspirin. The dose I've read is 81mg (which is a baby aspirin or low dose adult) in 1 Quart of water.

I have a beautiful showgirl hen with wry neck right now and I bought some Vitamin E today. They didn't have selenium so I'll have to go to another store. In the mean time I am going to look up selenium rich foods.

I got Selenium at WalMart in the vitamins section. My silkie is a 6 week old (5 when this started) and from what the Alan Sanford method says you are supposed to give 25mcg to a 2 pound bird. I just kinda of guesstimated but it does say to be careful because it can be dangerous to overdose on this. I just scraped off a very small little pile which I also scrape about 1/8th of the prednisone (which I was lucky to find someone with a perscription) and mix this with a small syringe of water and give this to the baby in the morning, with half of a 400IU Vitamin E pill. I just poke a hole with a CLEAN sewing needle and squirt half in her mouth. Then at night I just do the rest of the Vit. E cap and the 1/8th of prednisone. Im also alternating her water with Sav-A-Chick supplements. She is doing REALLY well. Shes actually even gotten used to me medicating her LOL. She has not only been eatting by herself since about day 4 - she eats WELL and happily (she chirps nonstop when she sees a full plate). She only seems to stumble and occasionally backflip when shes nervous or excited for a second. Most of the time when she stumbles she catches herself and straightens up in about a second.
Thanks for the update.
My showgirl is doing better as well. She is getting stronger and is actually holding her head up more and more.
She has suffered from this on and off for a few months but it just recently got worse.
I found this website http://nutritiondata.self.com/ that gives tons of nutritional information on foods and noticed that egg has alot of selenium. Mushrooms do as well.'
So for now I'm just giving her vitamin E, a small small small bit of vitamin B complex and feeding her scrambled eggs. Plus I'm giving her Mana Pro Pellets. She is very eager to eat the eggs and pellets when I put them in her mouth. She will drink quite a bit when I put the water dish in front of her.
Good! Glad to hear your baby is doing well also!

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