Let's try this again!!! UPDATE


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 31, 2007
Well I candled my eggs last night and am happy to say we have veining!!!

Last time I tried this I think my eggs got too chilled from the cold weather.They didn't make it more than 4 days.

I have 29 eggs in the bator right now some did candle clear but I'll give them another week.

My hamberg eggs are doing great.Only problem is I only have 1 Hamberg hen and she doesn't lay every day so when I get an egg I put it in the bator.

The only issue so far is the temp and the humidity.
I have a regular thrmometer that came with the bator {Hovabator} and a digital thermometer/Hydrometer and they both have different readings.The digital one is the kind used to monitor the temp/humidty in a reptile aquarium.

So far so good...wish me luck!
I am having the same problem w/my therm.which one do you go by?My stick one that came w/bator is aoubt 96d and the digital one from walmart is 102 I am so confused I guess I need to buy one more and average it out.Good luck wtih your eggs
I am having the same problem w/my therm.which one do you go by?My stick one that came w/bator is aoubt 96d and the digital one from walmart is 102 I am so confused I guess I need to buy one more and average it out.Good luck wtih your eggs

Are the two at the same height?

There is a normal, vertical temperature gradient in a still air incubator. 1 inch of height can make quite a difference.​

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