Lets try to ROLE PLAY!!!!

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Ena: TREATS! Yay!

Rhys: Oh... No treats for me... I think I'll stay here.
Shuffle looked around and found some corn. "It looks like they have." Shuffle dug in to the corn.
Peaches woke up as soon as she saw it. She rushed over and started eating as well.
Peaches ran over to the takeout leftovers and started eating that. Shuffle continued eating the corn but then noticed Rhys.
Shuffle walked over to Rhys. "Are you feeling OK?" Shuffle questioned. "You don't seem to be as energetic as you normally are."
Ena: Chinese Takeout leftovers?!!? Can this morning get any better?

Rhys: zzzzz..... (Ugh...)
"Uh... Okay.. Have a nice sleep." Shuffle queitly said to Rhys. She hopped over to the corn while Peaches feasted on the leftovers.
Peaches continued eating, until she had enough. Ugh... I'm stuffed... Peaches thought to herself.
She paced around the coop until the coop door was opened.
Shuffle had stripped the corn of it's edible parts. There was nothing left.
Ena: Man, Rhys looks TERRIBLE! (Wow, it's like I'm getting this handed to me on a silver platter!)

Rhys: Zzzzzzz.... (It's always around the fall that I get a bit of the chills... Brr... Must. Open. Eyes!) Umm... What do you do against the Fall Chills?
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