Lets try to ROLE PLAY!!!!

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Giya waddled over to the lavender bush and sat down to dust bathe. Had Mila got up today? She thought so but didn't see her.... odd.
Shuffle Stopped eating. She walked outside to Forage on the grass.
Peaches looked at Rhys. "I huddle wit other chickens to stay warm... If that's what you mean."
Peaches walked next to Rhys and obeserved him. "Are you feeling OK?" She questioned.
Rhys: Just a little cold and tired... Maybe I shouldn't run so much. I feel myself waming up already, however, so don't worry.
"Well, alright Rhys. Tell me if you need anything, OK?" Peaches said, showing her support. She walked outside to go and forage with Shuffle.
The sun now appeared to be at it's highest point, giving light to everything it can.
Peaches went over to a patch of dirt next to the one Giya was dustbathing in. Peaches dtarted to dustbathe as well.
"So how are you Giya?" Asked Peaches, feeling like she hadn't talked to her much.
Shuffle dustbathed in the sun, soaking it's light.
Peaches wasn't surprised at this question. "As a matter of fact, I have, but it doesn't seem any hen in our flock has fertile eggs." She replied with a small thought. "What about you?"
Shuffle dustbathed happily.
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