Lets try to ROLE PLAY!!!!

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where'd everyone go???
no ones posting anymore
Ena: What are you so sad about, Mila? I'm here.

Rhys: Grubs!!! *nom*
The sun sets and the chickens all go inside the coop to roost for the night. The featherless one comes outside and closes the door to keep out the predators.

Damion: Hey, lemme in. Someone closed up the coop and I was still outside. Hey BOK BOK buk buk bok

Suddenly Damion hears the rusting of leaves and the crackling of branches.... insert suspenseful music here
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The day went fast... Peaches thought.
Shuffle started hearing a chicken clucking. "Hey do you guys hear that? It sounds like it's coming from outside."
Is it a chicken? Shuffle questioned herself.
"Oh no! Daimon! What if the fox comes?" Peaches quickly said. Shuffle found it hard to understand her but knew what she was talking about.
Shuffle started clucking loudly.
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