Letting chickens roam in woods


9 Years
May 31, 2013
We just got our very first chickens a few days ago. So far they have been penned, but we would like to let them roam around in the woods in the backyard. Would the chickens know to stay away from poisonous plants like poison ivy and burning nettle? I know we have some of that back there...not much, but a few here and there.

Thank you!
I know that in my experience, poison ivy is not harmful to chickens and I don't think that burning nettle would affect the chickens too badly. It may upset their stomach but other than that, it shouldn't harm them. Chickens, from what I have gathered, are very tough and actually pretty smart. I let mine roam in the woods and I have never had any trouble with them eating any poisonous plants. If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me!
Thank you for your reply. I'm glad to hear that. We'd like to let them roam, but don't want them on our lawn. (We don't want poopy all over the place.) So I'm sure they'll find lots of goodies in the woods. Thanks again!
I never thought about the transfer of the oils. Thanks. I'm only going to let the chickens roam when we're outside gardening, swimming, etc. We do have a lot of critters too...coon, fox, possom, badgers, etc. Nothing has ventured real close to the house when we've been outside though, so I think we'll be good. Thanks!

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