Letting chicks be themselves?

We're up to 5 chicks:jumpy:jumpy and One looks JUST LIKE Daddy Rooster! The wood box they are in, is on the back porch so NOT likely predators will get to them. Still about 6-7 eggs under her. Will be a chore for her to keep up with them all! Have a Quart waterer, Small dish of chick Start in with them. Thirsty, lil buggers!
I haven't a coop, they roost on the back porch. Tall Pallet, various things for them to Roost ON. Even my Hound dog has learned to leave alone or catch the Wrath of Mom. ;)
What I'm going to DO with them all, atop of the 15 hens I already have! 😳 :confused:😳
Well, there's a LOT you can do with them. Sell 'em, give 'em away, eat'em, let 'em run around and give you more eggs...

Let's just hope you don't have the same experience my sister did. a broody hatched 14, and every last one was a cockerel! Yikes!
GOOD Heavens! Lot of eating at her house, I bet...
I Sold 4 out of six. Momma was cruising around with 6 when I arrived home. Folks took what eggs she had left in the nest also. A little bit of extra cash...I kept one of the light ones and the one that looked like Daddy, which IS a girl. Will be ENOUGH With the 3 store bought chicks, 2 babies & my 16 hens! :th:th Good thing I'm on a Diet...
They terrified me this Morning. Couldn't find Momma or chicks. She showed up, later in the day with the 2 chicks in tow. Playing it safe tonight, have her in the 3 hen hutch. She's not happy with the confinement but hope to get up early, put up a ramp up. My Sweet hound dog has been following, watching out for them, since they left the nest box..:love:love Figures, since she's been a momma also..

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