letting eggs settle


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 13, 2010
east point
i just got hatching eggs in from Virginia, and i live in ga. (just so you know that they did not have to come that far), and they arrived in two days,so how long do i have to let them settle, i have other eggs that need to go into the bator today, and dont want to wait to long, any answers would be helpful, this is my first bator experi. so a little nervous here about all this stuff, i also have an egg turner that holds 41 eggs, one shipper sent 9 eggs intstead of the 6 only remark in her add, so i have three too many, can i put those on top of the other eggs, and turn them myself....Robert
I let mine sit for about 12 hours but have pu thtem in a lil before that. MAybe wait til almost bed time and pop em in then ..
i was told by the shipper, that i could put them in a carton , and tilt the carton up on its side, and wait for about 4 hours and put them right in the bator, hummm.
Most time i have heard the 12 hr but I dont see why it would hurt to do it sooner.. I think it is more that you get the air pocket in the right position

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