LF Silver Penciled Rock Eggs 8/ $20.0 or 12/ $30.00 shipping incl. MO

ugly ducky

11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
8 Silver Penciled Rock eggs for $20.00 or if you'd rather, you can have 12 for $30.00. Shipping included. These are beautiful birds that lay very well. Nice big, light brown eggs! My fertility and hatch rate has been excellent. These birds are not hatchery stock. Calm, quiet temperment. Free range well, or accept confinement well. Hard breed to find! I (and most of my customers) have been hatching a very high percentage of pullets from these birds. PayPal either $20.00 or $30.00 to [email protected] and post SOLD here if you want these babies.

I love these! will you have more in the future? I have to wonder how they would cross with our Blue Rock/Pencilled/Laced/whatever he is--our Rock Star rooster Steppenwulf


he is even more "pencilled" now- this pic is a couple months old. He has a lot more pencilling in his neck and splashes of gold all through his sides.
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Yes, I'll be having eggs probably all through winter, unless the girls throw me an unexpected curve...LOL. I would imagine you'd get Rocks that may or may not fit any color standard, but they should be some great layers.

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