lice from babies getting on my kid's head


8 Years
Nov 11, 2011
Hi everyone,

I've never had a problem with lice before, but my new chicks that just hatched must be covered in them--every time my toddler plays with them/snuggles them, she ends up with lice crawling all over her shirt and arms, and then they migrate into her hair (probably looking for warmth). They can't really infest her, right? How do I get rid of these things? All my chickens are completely free ranging, and the mama hen and her babies have made my horse hay barn their nest. My daughter lives for the chickens, so I'd like to avoid powdering them with toxic stuff. Ideas? Help! This is seriously gross. I found a few on me as well, after handling the chicks. I know this isn't human lice, because it's only after handling the babies, neither of us have any nits, and my kid isn't in school...also, they start on the body and move up towards the hair/scalp. I think they are bigger than human lice, too. Thanks!

Lice are species-specific. You can't get infested by chicken lice, and they can't get infested by human lice. They are probably climbing upward because that is what they would do if they were in the grass looking for a host--climb up where they are more likely to find a new host.

Still, pretty gross. I'd definitely treat them, even if I had to use something toxic. But there may be something natural that's quite effective. Fortunately, I haven't had to deal with it, so someone else will have to help you out. I do know that human head lice are largely resistant to the toxic chemicals and the best luck we've ever had with them is using an all natural product called Wild Child Quit Nits--non toxic, wonderful stuff, that does the job for real. I know this because we had a recurring infestation (found out we were contracting them from cousins whose lice were not being treated) and each time all I had to do was treat everyone once with that wonderful stuff. When we found out who was giving us lice again, we turned them on to the stuff and now they are lice-free too. Prior to that, it was always a huge and overwhelming job to get rid of the lice, which is why the cousins still had them--with Wild Child, the job is done in a single evening--all done. (They are not paying me to say this, lol).

I know that doesn't help you right now, but I just wanted to make the point that there may well be an all-natural non-toxic chicken solution that is equally wonderful. I sure hope so!
This is only my first year having chickens, so I hope I am corrected if I'm wrong. I would dust them gently and sparingly with poultry dust or Sevin. Maybe keep your daughter away from them for a day or so. I have had to dust baby birds (baby robins) with Sevin before for the same situation you have, and they were just fine. If you are concerned, you might ask a vet first. Good Luck!
you might want to go buy some teatree oil and spray them with a fine mist
they dont like them smell/taste it not sure if it will work but worth a try id say..
i use a special spray i got from the hair dresser when my kids brought home a note saying lice was going around... #shutter
they have never gotten it and
never will
I would just add the caution that if you're going to use chemicals, use them exactly according to package instructions--don't try to "go light." It's sort of like antibiotics--if you stop taking the antibiotics before you're done with the full course, you end up with resistant strains of bacteria to deal with. Same thing can happen with any living parasite (like lice). So if you choose the Sevin, use exactly how much the packaging says to use.
Hey, are talking about lice or mites? Mites are very tiny black things that kind of tickle when they crawl up your arm...yuck. I've had to deal with those with some of the baby birds I've raised.
Definitely lice, not mites. They are so gross! I just got some horse lice dust from the local feed store, but I'm going to research my options online.
Where do the lice come from if all the chicks are just hatched? I mean wouldn't they have to be coming from another bird? None of my animals have ever had them so I'm curious...

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