Lice packets on chickens Thighs. NEED HELP!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
Prescott Arizona
Hi, I have These lice packets on my chickens thighs and its really gross. I've tried Vaseline, and pulling them off but they both didn't work.

These things are all over her legs and I really can't get them off. Any suggestions?
You need 5% Sevin. It's an insecticide powder. Looks like you need to put it in a plastic bag, put the chicken in the bag with the head sticking out and shake it real good. Otherwise, turn the chicken upside down and sprinkle it under wings, around vent and other underbody areas, legs and work it in real good. Repeat in a week. You'll need to do this to all your birds.
You also need to pull everything out of your coop and nests, dust everything with the Sevin and put in all new bedding.

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