Lice - ugh! How best to remove the eggs frm the base of the feathers.

I pluck them out. It sounds mean, but I just pull out the feathers at the base with all of the stuck eggs. Then throw them away. I pull out feathers that get feces stuck in them as well to keep the vent area cleaner in the really fluffy ones. It is a moment of sting so I do not have to deal with bathing. My chickens are not handled that much, so they do not enjoy bathing- at least they are not used to it like some of my 4H buddies chickens. I also use pyrethrin (poultry dust) powder or carbaryl powder (sevin) every two weeks for a month or so if I see lice. DE has never worked for my birds, and it also gives me a rash. I gave up on it after a trial. Didn't get rid of lice and didn't get rid or roundworms. The concept seems ok though- killing insects by dessication and mechanical trauma to the skin. Borax powder is supposed to kill flea larvae by the same action when you rub it into the carpet. I just didn't care for it on the skin or feeding it out. Jess
Ugh, that sounds really painful for the bird. Apart from shampooing there does not appear to be another way to get rid of these things as they are stuck fast. I think I will have to wait for a warm day, if we ever have any of these again, and get a bowl of warm water and shampoo out in the garden and have a go. Could be fun! I'm not sure whether my ladies will like a blow dry and set afterwards with my hairdryer. Thanks for all the advice. Rachel
Can anyone post pictures of what lice look like? My birds have something wrong with their feathers and I suspect lice but I don't know what it looks like. They have been losing their fine feathers and the big feathers have something white around the shaft. Their heads look "greasy". I only have 3 and they are my first. Thanks.

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