I dusted my hens with sulfur last week and they are doing great. They're more energetic and I've seen no respiratory problems at all. I'm going to dust them again probably tomorrow. I used the sulfur you get in the garden center that comes in the cardboard canisters.
MissPrissy- This may be a dumb question but I am assuming the "sevin" is the same sevin you use for bugs in the garden that you would get from like home depot and such???? Just want to triple check I understand correctly
Can that sevin dust be used in the yard to ward off flies? If it's on the ground, would it pose a danger to the chickens who may eat some grass with it on there? IS ther a specific "type" or percentage to use?

BTW, LOVE the powder puff idea, Miss Prissy! Very smart!
I have used Sevin on my Potatoes and the chickens used to run through the potatoes. They never seemed to have an adverse reaction. I also believe you can use it for fleas. I am going to try it on my chickens. I thought it was molt but the feathers are not coming back. Anyone with any ideas.

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