
Self-service - it's everywhere!! lol I will probably be doing this this coming winter - do chickens take dust baths in winter?
They will dust all year round if the ground isn't frozen and they have a dry spot. Ours make use of the area under the eves, unfortunately so did our cat (yuck) until we sprinkle with dried ground lemongrass which amazingly did get him to move his potty elsewhere.
Here is a link that someone else posted on BYC - about egg withdrawal times. I found it very helpful.

Permethrin is the active ingredient in Sevin.

So far, except for using sevin on one pullet that came to us with a serious case of leg mites we have only used wood ash but if we treated for lice and mites I would use the eggs since I would bet that they are still safer that commercial eggs sold at the grocer. If we ever needed to use a chemical wormer I would follow the withdrawal time suggested on the label but I am not sure about antibiotics as I am pretty sure that commercial eggs are loaded with them.

We only use our fireplace for ambiance and even so we get all the ash we need for 10 hens during the summer months. We sift it into a 5 gallon bucket and dump a couple of inches of it into the most frequently used dusting spots and replace it when we can't see it any more which is easy with our red clay soil.

Someone mentioned weight loss with mites and lice so I wanted to add that. like fleas, a serious infestation can also cause anemia An easy treatment/preventative is a squirt if liquid (human) baby vitamins with IRON in the water for a week or two. We use a dropped a small plastic waterer for this. I don't mix it with ACV because my ladies don't seem to drink it but it's safe to do if your hens don't mind it.
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Has anyone every used neem oil to get rid of lice? If so, what was the measurement of it when put with water? What ratio of oil to water?

For fleas on dogs and cat you can mix it with oil or add it to shampoo. Or add 4-6 drops to the amount of shampoo you use for one washing. I don't know about using it for lice or on birds.
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Hi, I haven't been on here in about 5 years LOL but now just got 2 hens from a neighbor and discovered they had fleas AND lice ! So since we had already bought DE for the coop, I decided to dust them for the lice and this afternoon.....can't find any ! So apparently it does work. Thank God I only have 2 hens (so far) :)
Hi, I haven't been on here in about 5 years LOL but now just got 2 hens from a neighbor and discovered they had fleas AND lice ! So since we had already bought DE for the coop, I decided to dust them for the lice and this afternoon.....can't find any ! So apparently it does work. Thank God I only have 2 hens (so far) :)

Welcome Back! That number will change (2 hens) !!!
HELP.....where can I find a photo of lice and mites? I don't know what my hen has but these little critters are a flesh/clear color and crawling all over her butt and vent area and the base of the feathers have the egg clumps... I covered her with Castor oil, her feathers are falling out...her butt and vent area so raw looking ... horrible. I just am not sure what I am treating. I have her in the dog carrier in the house til I can give her a bath in Dawn tomorrow and then what? What do you think they are....??????
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She has lice. I don't know if castor oil will dissolve the lice exoskeleton or eggs. I know (VCO) coconut oil will quickly. Kills everything at once like like throwing water on the wicked witch.

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