Life Expectancy

Generally depending on the breed, factors will change. For example, silkies, polish, and other crested birds aren't very predator aware, and high production birds like sex links and leghorns are prone to egg problems. Heavier breeds like brahmas may get bumblefoot more often, and cornish crosses can eat themselves to death if not carefully monitored.
This past summer I lost the last hen from my first flock, she was 9 1/2 years old. She was a wonderful flock matriach and was around long enough to have a wonderful influence on my newest flock matiach who is now 6 years old.
The first ones I have ever raised on my own are going to be five this April. I do not see them on the nesting boxes or laying so if they do its not much, but still in good healthy movement and all. I have had some at two years old fall over dead at some point in the night, I have others pushing 5 and 6 now. I heard 6-10 can be possible and I am on the verge of proving 6, probably all ready have with some I had before. ha ha. I had to put one down the other day that was probably 2 or 3, got some sickness and bloating, couldnt move well. Just like people you never know what can happen but enjoy them and take care of them when you have them and give them good lives.

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