Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Congrats to you and your husband for doing such a great job with your kids.

Good luck with the pups. I have a part yorkie part alslopso (spelled wrong) mix Grandsonpuppy. He is 7 and I love him to death, even if he gets in my gardens LOL. He visits at least once a month for a weekend when my daughter works doubles.
I bought more eggs.....

Waiting for them to arrive!
I've got the bator waiting....
And soon....
baby chicks!

My daughter had appointments with her doctors at Childrens hospital emergency...just routine....
And when I got back home....about 1 1/2 hours little yorkie is soon to be in labor.
Had talked to the vet on the way home....he told me to take her temp...and guess what...yup... it had dropped...

So....may be a long night...and following day!

I've got so much to do...feeling a little overwhelmed...
I'm pleased about what was waiting on my front porch though....
(no, not eggs...)
Our church is always having get togethers...and I saw this in a I bought one for the church...
It will hold sweet tea and unsweetened... each container is 3 gals.
Wish we had this for the poor boy supper ( which is pinto beans, fried taters, coleslaw, cornbread, cakes and tea, oh, and onions...
We still have several events this will be great for though...

Should be just the thing....

I'm going to purchase large chafing dishes for next year too....
Boy, I'm just bubbling with ideas...
My ladies banquet is going to be a humdinger...they are going to love it or hate it!
I'm keeping it top secret...they will help me decorate...but it will be a surprise!

Oh me.... It's beginning to look a lot like a Christmas....everywhere you go...
we have some of those for our wed night dinners we have at our church.. they come in handy.. just a hint you can pick up the pitcher size cool brew tea bags you fill them with water put in your bags let them sit.. on the side fill your smaller pitcher with sugar add HOT water and let the sugar melt in the water then pour your sugar water in the sweet dispenser and pull your tea bags out.. be sure to add the tea bags after putting in the water because the water breaks the bags.. we put the used bags in another picture of water and make a refill picture out of the used bags.
Thank you...I'll see if I can't find those large tea bags...
we have a fellowship meeting at the church this Friday night....

Will give it a try!
Oh, no puppies yet....
Her due date is Thursday...according to when "I" saw it. It could be sooner...
possibly today...
This is worse than waiting on chicks to hatch!
Gwen, If we didn't already have four shih-tzu in the house right now I would ask to buy one of the puppies!! LOL Hope all goes well with the birthing, and Gwen, keep that incubator away from the more melting the incubator
Who me? Mess up a batch of eggs? Naw!


Do you know that was the exact first thought the Rev. mentioned!

Plus, I have been banned from the church sign.
I love to change the sign, put up neat little sayings, announcements...and they all got together and told me....BANNED!
See, it was windy the other day, and I was trying to put up the announcements...I use a 3 step stepladder.
And I was standing on top doing my thing...and then I wasn't....
next thing I knew I was laying on the ground (mud, but that was a blessing) and was a little stunned to say the least! A coupla cars pulled over, but I started acting real busy with sorting the letters that had fell around me...waved at them...then when they had gone past...sat and nursed my ankle...

I was embarressed and in pain...I just twisted's a ok...
but someone mentioned it the Rev. in town...these farmers!

And more...and do you know the sign hasn't been changed in almost a week now! I've got lots of announcements!
I want one of those poles, but that's that much more money....

Maybe I am a clutz. The church ladies informed the Rev. not to let me decorate my anything this year...said they are coming over to do it for me! Ha!
Well, I'm sure there is concern in this type of treatment...

Anyway, I'm
for lovely little chickens... yeah!!
Oh gosh, I'm glad you're okay! I do stuff like that too. I knocked our whole Christmas tree over ON myself one year!
Yay for eggs and puppies!!! We are probably going to be looking for a puppy after the holidays. My son insists that he wants a puppy that will stay be small when it is full grown. A yorkie would be nice. Too bad you're so far!
Oh well, we'll enjoy the pictures anyway!
I really feel more like

But the puppies are here.... I went and picked up the momma and her 2 babies! Now guess what...this had the vet shaking his head in amazement...
I have another silver puppy! Yes, she's a girl and silver. While I'm not for sure if she'll look like Minx...she looks the same
Mom is fine, babies are fussing...gotta check on them...
Thought I would let ya'll know.

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