Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Your having a great hatch. Looks like you have quite a few splash. They should be pretty.
Thank you bamachicken! Thank you for the eggs to!
If you would just listen to! How many times have I heard that one! Some days...
Not going there, not going there, NOT going there! (It's not really working...
) I'll just change the subject!

What a pretty day we had....we are supposed to pay for it tommorrow! Bad weather working its way our way...we were too warm 75*, and the cold front coming is supposed to drop temps over 40 *....and that means...bad, BAD, weather....well it is that time of year!

I'm going to make this a short post....I overdid it today, I played the piano when I sang. It was uncomfortable , but it didn't it's swollen, not going to complain...

The chickens are doing fine. Even the one with the navel seems to have dried up.

The church folk came over to the house this afternoon, they thought the little chicks were adorable! Couldn't believe I had raised them from eggs.... where's their faith?
tongue.gif seemed impossible, to us too, that they came out of those tiny eggs!

Ready to try again! Well, will write more later....I have a lovely story I want to husband talks in his should hear our honey-moon story! (Nobody warned me!!)

Be blessed!

Ever been around when someone is walking & talking in their sleep? No? Lucky you!
My first experience with this was on our honey-moon night....not funny!
And after almost 15 years of marriage (come March 27th
I still haven't gotten used to it!
The other night I was setting the house in order , the children were asleep, as was my husband, when I heard a panicked voice commanding me to bring a plastic bag!
"What?" I hollered back, "Bring me a plastic bag NOW!" was his tense reply!... Something was wrong, it had my husband disturbed!
I grabbed a coupla plastic bags and took off down the hall, my husband met me at the door, "Don't get close!" "What are you talking about, what's going on?" Stay back don't let it get near you!
Well, what with me being so brave and all, I began looking for the nearest high ground!
I noticed something laying on the bed, saw it was one of our sons toys, and paid no further heed to it...searching, scanning...nothing...what was I looking for? Standing on the chair, in my nightgown, my husband standing in a, uh, what is the word I'm looking for?, pj's, hair sticking up...and bent at the waist as he circled the bed....
I was holding onto one of the I was really going to 'catch' something with it!

"What is it?" I said in a loud whisper. "Don't you see it?" "It's right there!" "Where?" RIGHT THERE ON THE BED, IT'S A SQUIRREL, BUT SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH IT!!"
Oh yes....he was pointing at my son's rubber dinosaur! Granted, it is funny looking...but ....
I began to get the giggles....began to laugh so hard....
I looked at him and said, "Honey, are you awake?" "Of course I'm awake, now you grab it if it comes past you!"
I could not do anything for a little while, but laugh....he was still circling the bed!
You can't really wake him up sometimes when he does that, he's partially awake, and still, well, asleep! Something had triggered him touched the toy in his sleep, who knows!!
Needless to say I 'pretended' to catch it, and he calmly climbed back in the bed and began snoring with a promptness that causes me jealousy!

What can I say? Life is never dull for us....
You have to "see" the story I tell about when we were newly married, living in NC...and we heard 'someone' walking in the house!
(He was awake that time)

The chicken with the navel issue, has the 'squirts' this hunting in the search for answers...

Oh, hand is better this morning! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...
OH dear what a funny picture that brought to my mind girl.thanks for sharing....... reminded me of the time my son was screaming in his sleep.........walked in his room to find him beating off millions of bugs off his bedroom door.......he wouldnt go back to bed until we had caught them all and walked them outside........... I was both nervous and hysterical working with a fully asleep but talkative child....well...he was 7 at the time
to funny sleeptalkers /screamers are....sure gets your heart racing when they yell for you uh....
My husband use to do that and it was sooooooooo funny. When he was just talking I would go along with him but when he up or standing on the bed "holding the big rock" up was scare. He was holding the ceiling!. But when he changed jobs he hasn't done it. He just snores so bad sometimes it wakes me up and I almost jump out of bed.


Good Morning,
Just setting here watching the snowflakes fly. The fields are mostly planted, the sound of crop dusters has been silenced today. Quite cold too. We are only getting a dustin', the rest of the state is quite covered with snow, several places are reporting a foot of snow.
Made me think of days gone by...good days.

My dad pastored a little mountain church at Cove Creek, sat next to a creek...will post a picture when I find one. (low water bridge you crossed to get to the church)
We would huddle around the potbelly stove, and pity the poor soul that couldn't 'hold it'...
Yes, the trips to the outhouse were not pleasant....females had to learn to stand, and remove as little of necessaties as possible, in order to take care of nature and not freeze! Because if you failed to maintain your worried more than about frostbite, while your backside was stuck to the toilet seat! ( oh we were 1st class, we put a real toilet seat on our wooden stools!)....course you didn't really want to call for help due to the 'delicate' nature of our "position!"
Yes, and when Dad left that church, to pastor the little Indian Mission church....we had two potbellied stoves there! (Until we remodeled, there were the 'infamous' outhouses!) One of the stoves were upfront and one in the back! You either sat in the 'Amen Section', or the 'backsliders roost'!
Honestly, you just sat at which stove gave out the most heat!
Poor mom and dad, how many times we would drive to church, up and down those mountains snow and ice covered. Dad would drive down one mountain, make it to the top of another, and get out and gauge how bad the next mountain was. I can still see mother, sitting bundled with the baby on her lap,hair done up in curls, worry furrows on her face, cautioning Dad to be careful, and us children bundled till only our eyes and long hair were visible. And of course, with seven children there was also constant comments and advice from our 'knowledgeable' heads! My mother would mention on occasion that "Silence is Golden!" hmmmm wonder what she meant?
Then the winters of milking, dad bringing the milkers and lines in the house to sit by the stove, so he could milk the next morning...frozen lines were worthless, and the cows had to be milked! I can see him huddling over the electric heater, trying to warm his hands inbetween milk the poor cows wouldn't jump out of their skins when his cold hands put the milkers on them. Oh yes, I sure hated it when the water lines at the house would freeze. We carried big buckets of water back and forth from the barn...up and down 2 steep hils, crossed the creek and arrived with clothes frozen stiff, and only half full of water, after the sliding trip we took! Good days...hard days...but good.

My little chicks are comfortable...sitting in the LR, stove and heat lamp keeping them steady at 90* (this is their 2nd week!!)
The liquid poo, as eased. Thank God! We are so pleased to see those little chicks, hear their chirping and watch them grow.

Edited to add photo of to the side is the creek...looking for a photo of when I was a little girl...should see a better view of the creek. This is my daughter feeding a deer that appears for church services...she puts her head up to the windows and looks in! It's a hoot! My sister's husband now pastors this church.

Also placed a picture of one of the cropdusters over the church.
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