Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

They look suspicious for white. If they had yellow that turned white they are even more suspicious to be white. I am trying to hatch more white myself.
The truth is out, and it ain't pretty, I'm addicted to hatching!
Would you like to know what I've done?

We took a quick little break, went to see my family over the week-end, we got a minister to friend to fill in for us on Sunday, arrived home last night, and I had a lovely time! We celebrated Easter with my family early...we let the cousins hunt eggs together, this is the first time my family (which is quite large)that we have been together for Easter in 8 years! Anyway, it was lovely!

My mother had been saving eggs for me for a coupla days....she is what is referred to on here as an enabler!

So, on the return trip we did the only thing possible, we bought another incubator! Because, I went off and left eggs in the other one...I just did it! Hoping for the best, but I needed the trip...for more reasons than one....hoping for Yorkie puppies in a few months!

Church went along fine without us...course they all promised they missed us terribly...

And we are making Easter plans, egg hunt, dinner on the ground, choir concert, and a short drama....
busy....but good.
I will candle the 1st set of eggs today, that my husband bought from the farmer....if good, can you say "chicks for sale", maybe...I love the sound of those little darlings silkies are beautiful...and would you believe we took them with us! Talk about a traveling circus! My husband called it the 'mobile farm'...too little to leave for that long...they all seem happy and healthy...
which brings me to the other part of my story...
I was enjoying myself at the yardsales with my sisters when my husband pulls up behind us, he likes to yardsale too...he loves books....and low and behold he had a box of little chirping chickies!
Inside was 4 Rhode Island Reds, 1 rooster and 2 dominiqiers (pullets...I really am going to have to learn to spell these names)
I do believe he is addicted....
What does all this mean? A new chicken run....because these new additions are standards...& I dearly love my banties.

Happy Hatching!
Hope everyone had a lovely week-end as well. Lots of stories to tell, just don't have the time...all good, all funny! My family is a blast....well a quick one....
I was sleeping peacefully in my bed saturday night, bout 4:00 in the morning BOOM, and I sank to the floor with my feet straight up in the air! My sister had an older 4 poster bed, and the slats had slid around till, yup, you guessed it lucky me!

I really thought I was having a heart children were on a pallet, afraid they were under the bed (they were fine) but managed to wake up the whole house...we were all up there for a wedding and singing....of course there was quite abit of laughter, at my expense, well, life is never dull
My husband proclaimed it was because the side with the more weight gave way....I said "yes, it was all muscle, my brain"...I went down head-first!

Oh, my youngest brother sprung some news on me....he is going to be in demolition derby in May, I believe it's the last day of May! Like his life hasn't been adventurous enough! Bull-riding, many little mishaps there, Iraq (his humvee blown up 4 times, recieved the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in the last blast...)
and now.....a demolition derby!

He wants us to come watch him..... I don't know if I can stand more grey hairs!



Edited to add in photo's of our trip...Stormy (Keith's horse giving my son a ride, followed by her colt Cinnamon)
Oh yes, Cinnamon is a brother trains them and sells them to coonhunters...I rode too, my husband very kindly put it on, I didn't upload that circus moment!
All I could think of was, if I fall what if I break my arm again...I've got to get past that! She's a beautiful, gentle mare.
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Here's the photo's of my new chicks....



They were 3 days old when he bought them Sat.(3-15-08)
Rhode Island Reds, & Dominiques

I'm so excited! I candled the 18 eggs we (listen at me, my husband) bought from the farmer....I candled just a minute ago and ALL 18 eggs show signs of a chick inside....veins, dark spot, etc...

I didn't really know what to expect, but I am really excited.
Thought I would share this with ya'll.
Oh, 3 are speckled when I shine the light on them...I'm going to look up what this means....the shell. I've read it, just can't remember...all the eggs are brown but 2 and they are a white, not bright white...but to light to be brown.


These eggs are on day 6!
My son has been in the ICU since Friday. Am home to bath, change, and hurrying back. Today the said the oxygen tent may come off Monday. Pneumonia, serious. Say a prayer. must go.

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