Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Life is so precious. We are not promised tommorrow. I looked back over my post just within the past month, and while I didn't list the tally of folks that have died, mainly cause it's depressing, but so many that it has been boggling to us. Another must be added:
Last night, a dear friend of ours, came home from church and found her husband dead. He was 38. Father of a 6 & 4 year old. Stayed home, wasn't feeling well. The family is in complete shock; as are we. Don't know when the funeral will be, they are going to do an autopsy.

I do have on a cheerier note, eggs, slowly turning their way to hatching day...May 18th! My dogs pups are due May 19th!

It was an incredibly busy, busy week last week. Gone for a large part of it. This week, who knows! My suitcase is sitting on the trunk and not all the stuff is out! That's right, I've got unpacked items in my suitcase! The summer ratrace is beginning, I've already been recieved numerous emails concerning youth camps! I don't know if I can talk myself into being a counselor again. I've got little ones just now getting old enough to begin attending,

Don't worry, we usually prod ourselves up, and take off to prevent waterballoons fights, toothpaste fights, peeping toms, pillow fights, cat fights, late nights, early mornings, with only snatches of sleep so you can stop anyone who thinks they are going to slip out of your dorm! How dare they! ...poor food, long days, and hot! I do like it, but I also like sitting with my husband and holding his hand, watching others rush about doing those things too! lol We love a camp in Missouri, will definitely be attending that one. Ms. Ozark it's down the road from you a little ways, Camp Peniel, at Neosho MO. (It's a little community, can't think of it) but it's a lovely area.
Well, my housework is waiting, not very patiently, so I will end my post. Wish all of you a good day, and remember, enjoy. You never know when it will be your last!
Parsonswife hope this didnt get posted twice im new to computers--You are correct life is precious lost my wife last yearr to a massive stroke no warning no nothing she was out feeding wild dear like everyday--she was disabled with autheritis rode a scooter to get around didnt slow down much tho. really enjoy your post cry with the bad laugh with the good. have a good week
welcome abchicken, so sorry for your loss. It must be so hard to lose your partner.
Gwen, if you do go to the Neosho area, let me know and I will get try to get the silkies to you on your way home? I told you God will find a way, it may not be that trip but you will end up getting them.
:mad: I am Miffed! Yes, I really am!
Last night I was asked to speak, I'm not a preacher, but have spoken numerous times. I thought I had some very good points...I spoke about doubt was a noun, and also a verb. My point: Do not allow doubt to take authority in your life. I shared several funny stories, thought I had humorous information...yet, everytime I would look at my husband, he was 'busy', you know...reading in his Bible, songbook, ooohhh!

And at the very end, he looked like he was sleeping! He had his eyes closed! He told me he was sorry, that he was just very tired...had worked extra hard....yada yada yada!

Mothers Day is arriving, I wish I could see my momma for Mother's day, at least get her a corsage. Our church has an annual Mothers Day Pancake Breakfast, we are served by the menfolk, before church...(it's the only thing my hubby can cook!) Seems to be a great hit. He purchased some local syrup yesterday, I was going to make pancakes this morning, but he had to leave extra tommorrow; I'll let you know how it tastes. There is Blackberry and Boisenberry, sadly, no strawberry...but I do love blackberries.

My children are so sweet, they helped me pick out a Mothers Day Outfit, not the easiest thing in the world...standing on one foot while pulling clothes over your head. You ask, One foot? Simple, my son was curious who was next to us in the fitting rooms. And the space underneath is like a public restroom, which is also a trial. So, one foot to stand on, and one foot to hold him up!

We finally decided on one when my son proclaimed, "You look bueetiful", that did it for me! Now I wonder what daddy will say Sunday???

Those eggs of mine are causing a stir at church, I didn't realize that they were as hopeful as we are...hoping for a good hatch. They are a hoot, There is a steady stream back and forth from the church to see those eggs!

Oh, I wish ya'll could see a skit I wrote our church ladies are going to perform Sunday. One lady testified that she was having trouble with "Road Rage!!" Boy did that set off a flurry of talk!

We teased her and started calling her 'Rosie Road Rage'...and then we have another lady who drives...FAST...she of course became Lulu Leadfoot! And so the skit was born...I just couldn't help it! We practiced last night....everyone was laughing so hard, don't know if they can get their lines out! My husband, now they came up with this name, not me..."Pastor Penny Pincher", and I'm Faithful Phoebe....we have a HotRod Harry, this is a man in a wheelchair...he's got a great sense of humor...oh and we can't forget Murmuring Marilyn and Confused Calvin...anyway...I'll try to take pictures...(we are sitting on the side of the road out of gas)
(In the skit)

Well the day is getting on, and I've got lots to do. Best Wishes and Have a Wonderful Mothers Day!
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That is so funny, very kind of you too.
I have a few more stories to tell, my week-end and yesterday were busy...last night was a fellowship meeting. Loaded the church van with our folk, baby seats, babies, and myself and off we went! We did have a passenger who always live'ns things up....we nick named her "Nervous Nancy", her name is not no privacy issues! LOL.
She talks 95 miles a minute, yells loudly when talking, or scared, or ....well she just yells. She is 65 and about 4'11....

My husband drives the van when we he is going to the function, he is not a 'slow' driver, and when your in the 4th row with littl ones, crossing railroad tracks with 'no spill'
sippee cups.... :mad:
Let's just say, the shocks are working great, or not at all....I bounced so hard I'm certain I felt the roof thru my hairsprayed hairdo! And of course the milk, and apple juice seeped out onto my clothes, I don't say this with anger, or exasperation, and certainly not with surprise; see I am used to not getting anywhere clean by now. Burps, leaks, drips, spills, splashes, dribbles, slobbers, and wrinkles are part and parcel of small children. I am quite surprised if I actually do arrive somewhere with none of the above wrong with my outfit. What did seem to cause me exasperation was the 'speed' at which he took the railroad tracks!
I think he has a preferance for the church van, I've only rode close to him once in the van. I feel badly if I place myself in the front area, and all the dear little elderly ladies climbing in wiggling and twisting to go to the seats in the rear. So I just place carseats, young'uns, and myself in the back area, and off we go. What I started out saying was, I think he likes it...not handy or very 'ladylike' for me to holler from the back over people heads, "You better slow down Right NOW!" or, "Watch out, that car is turning!!"

Hotrod Harry, who is single, had quite a following last night, he rides shotgun with my husband. 3 or 4 single women, followed him out waving and giggling... oh did he have a difficult ride home!
Was very adamant that he didn't like any of them...
Does he think we are blind?
He was just a grinning and a waving...
Mothers Day was wonderful, the menfolk cooked us a fine breakfast...somehow I wound up elbow deep in dishwater?

Lunch was great, No cleanup there, and supper took place in the fellowship hall where we played boggle with some of the church folk. My husband, while I have never thought he 'wasn't' intelligent, (despite some of his earnest efforts to prove me wrong somedays) won, by a HUGE number the first game! Talk about the big head! I quickly took him down to size by winning the second round.

The skit, was perfectly hi-lar-i-ous! We got to laughing so hard, now mind you, this is during church, that we had to pause, gathered ourcomposure,and then kept going! My Darling husband and children played their parts perfectly! Everyone did an outstanding job! In fact, many, many folks asked us if we would do it again Wednesday night! If we do, I will try to take photo's....sorry, my camera was in my purse, and I was on the stage holding my son, who had fallen asleep and I really didn't want to wake the little angel...

Pastor Penny Pincher, he cuts quite a figure, and when he was standing there, out of gas, looking 'helpless' (this was for the play, I don't think I've ever actually seen a helpless look on his face except 2 or 3 times...when I was sick, fixing to have surgery and they were telling him..."she is dying, we've got to get her in surgery NOW!" That was kinda of a bad time, and once he got me to the hospital when I broke my arm....once the doctor took over, and the ladies had arrived to care for the children, he just sat in the chair by my bed and looked...'helpless', I was hurting.)
Anyway, when he 'applied' a helpless look to his face, I thought I was going to bray like a donkey, it was so funny! In fact, I may have brayed a little!

Oh can say it's never dull around us!
Today is day 16 for my eggs, I have begun to get antsy with them, I have not turned them faithfully, many times a day. I have not felt great the past few days. I hope it's not a virus, but usually better by afternoon. So, I'm hoping I have not caused these eggs to not hatch! I have 52 eggs, I candled on day 14.....ALL SHOWED SIGNS OF LIFE! Yeehaw!

The Rev.'s Farm is bustling! The garden is growing, summer is coming, and the tornado's have missed us this year, well mostly. What's going into the cottonfield picking up your outdoor stuff, and a few shingles to the destruction that is being wrought all around us? Did I tell ya'll about that last one? Never mind, too scary. That lightening storm ain't got nuthin on the roof trying to come off! Laying on your children, praying, trying to keep them calm, while your screaming your head off, (inside) hearing all kinds of sounds....objects banging into the sides of your house, wind howling, glass rattling, the whole house creaking....
No hubby to hold you down! the Lord is merciful to me. Though I'm certain I do try his patience.
You know, it's an incredibly helpless feeling here. Sitting out in the middle of these cottonfields, well, last year they were rice fields, they are planting beans and cotton now...they rotate crops.
Flat, open, no mountains to shield you.
I have dear pastor friends who pastor a church in Stuttgart, they were fine, but sure does worry a person.
We encountered our first snake, I came across a snake skin when I was moving boxes last week-end, (I also got stung by a wasp...ohh, did it hurt. Got in behind my glasses)'d to gave me a hernia jumping backwards the way I did. Then, of course, everywhere you looked, snakes! (not really, just seemed that way) Then Monday my husband was mowing a wider swath around the garden area, and I was shoveling 'cotton gin trash' onto the garden...this is supposed to help the soil

looked down and saw a tail....
I climbed up into the wagon...see it's high ground..... bellering like a bull for Daryl to come help. He finally looked up saw, I was in no little distress, and drove over to me. I pointed at the tail...and he just laughed!

Snakes give me the willies.... I know all the stories...good snakes, bad snakes, yada yada yada....snakes make me quiver like jelly. The thing that I noticed most was if the tail was that 'long & wide', how big was the rest of him? Was wondering if the tail was the only thing cut off, would he still live? What kind was it? I have no idea. White belly, gray back. Remember, I live next to a swamp, and behind the church is a dirt road an old church and cementery, then swamp there. I was thinking water moccasin...but I don't know.
My young'uns were playing in their little safe there.
I went to Dollar General and bought 3 boxes of mothballs, they are now sprinkled all around the house, and the perimeter of the backyard. oooohhhhh......(I wish they had a 'shivering' smilie...)
Well, supper is not going to cook itself, and here I sit, course I can always say I was visitin with company!
Ya'll come!
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I can relate to both of you. Parsonwifes posts are awesome. They always give you something to contemplate after reading them.

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