Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Gwen, I just read your story and it was awesome, I am unable to leave feedback on the site, but, wanted you to know is was a great story. Do you ever read the Ozark Mountaineer? I am wondering if they might be interested in your story?
Wow what a great story.. how amazing..

how long have you been there.. you seem to be enjoying yourself with your chickens and such..

Hello everyone...thank you for taking the time to read, and thanks to those who are helping running late. Leaving as soon as church is over tonight...He's loading the car as we speak.
Will be gone for a few days this week, and all of next week.
Sorry to rush....Will write more later, just wanted to let you know.
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I Gwen - I just read your article and loved it and left feedback saying so. I'm looking forward to more stories. I grew up in the Miss. Delta in Greenville. Is Dumas across the river from there? We used to cross the river to pick peaches in Ark. Fond memories of peach picking. My father used to say they had to weigh us kids going in and again coming out so they would know how many peaches we ate while we picked.
Thank you for all the prayers and kind thoughts you send my way.
I've been a little ill this I sit with so much to do...and I feel about as strong as a newborn baby.
And I feel so heartsick I don't know what to do! We took my little girl to a youth camp out in Oklahoma...I couldn't be a counselor...the Rev. had way to much going on she had to stay without mommy!!

She's been great...except at bedtime, and when she first wakes up...she wants her mommy. She is with her cousins and a dear church lady we've known for years are in her dorms. This is the first time she's ever spent the night away from us.
Nothing would do her but to go...she cried to go!
The Rev. tries to act...uhmmm, calm, unconcerned...but when the phone rings....he'll knock ya flat to get to it!

Seriously, we put her on speaker phone and listen to her chatter!
Today is an ironing day....I'm going to splurge and have the Rev.'s dress shirts pressed at the cleaners...I've got so much to do!
Outfits to prepare...this coming week is the big 'camp meeting'! and my hubby will graduate from this 'extra' schooling he decided to take 2 years ago...sooooo....I will put his picture on...

Most importantly I will get to have my little girl back with me!
Our son, who always stays fairly close to me has been a constant shadow to me....
Oh let me tell you something funny...
Yesterday was errand day...I had to go to several places, back and forth several of those was the hospital to pick up my films and test results to take with me Monday...well, my son was in this hospital awhile back...(so sick!) He asked me who was going to stay this or him?
I explained about just picking up some stuff...we are standing at the door to the Radiology film room, when one of them comes past, tells him hello, then reaches out and pats his back...instantly a look...I can't really explain it....passes across his face, he jumps, grabs my hand, and points out that...."She just gave me a shot!" He is not happy! The radiologists is laughing trying to explain that she shocked him...not a shot! (Static electricity!)
He didn't really forgive her!

He misses his sister as well. He keeps asking when we can go pick her up!
I've been hearing lots of entertaining stories from her, she tells me things from such....oh you know children....just adorable.
My sister-in-law called me last night and told me she took a picture of my daughter singing in the choir...I knew she would be in it....she has since tiny!, sang in church...solo's...she likes to be the star! They were telling me how she just lit up the stage, even standing next to all the little Angel was shining bright...she's like her mom...we love to sing. I sound like a scratch pad running over chalk board most of the time..the Bible says to make a joyful noise...not beautiful noise...right? lol .she, well when she begins to sing with such purity that angels must cease their sounds to listen.
My son loves to sing and perform as well....he sang by himself at church wednesday night...nothing would do him but to sing "I'll Fly Away!" Too cute...and a great job! He is such a little hunk anyway...then when he stands up there batting his gorgeous eyes....
Momma is going have to carry a big stick to beat the girls off with!
OH! The very first night of daughter called and got the Rev. in a tizzy! Mom wasn't 'real' happy either, but I didn't have a hissy fit!

Our daughter casually mentioned someone named 'Angel' bought her something at the snack bar after church....I asked if she had forgot her purse in the dorm? She said no. HE wanted too!
Well, I didn't say much...oh, that's nice...then went onto other things...well, tried too! The Rev. he didn't catch the "he" part till a second later! He had quite a few things to tell her about this boy...somehow his name even became a subject...

This 'growing up stuff' is hard on parents! I don't know what the fuss is about for the's the parents who have issues!
Well, I've got to get to the cleaners...somehow, I feel like I've been to the 'cleaners' when I leave there! Whew, small town...high prices!

Hope ya'll have a lovely day!
Ya'll come
The Parsonswife
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